Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q  [Margaret]   It’s consultation, consultation, consultation at the moment. There needs to be better ways of keeping the people of Wirral informed on what is going on. The people sitting round the top table tonight almost exceeds the number in the audience. There needs to be less consultation and more publicity and notice about meetings


Q  The state of the pavements in Moreton.  Iceland have done a very good job outside the store, but who is responsible for the rest?


A  [Cllr Blakeley}  We are informed by the manager that the whole area is under the control of Iceland stores.  Iceland have said they will repair the whole area of 20 sq metes.  We are finally getting the Council to take some action as a duty of care to make the area safe.  Put a bollard in to stop people riding on the pavement.


Q  Dangerous Parking.  Most people are willing to pay 50p for Iceland’s car park but there is parking on Borrowdale Road, including the pavements.  The vision of motorists is obscured on both sides by parked vehicles.  We have not got sufficient parking facilities in Moreton.


A  [Cllr Blakely]:  I agree all the roads are insufficient.  All the roads are protected by waiting restrictions.  The problem we have is that the Council will not act on dangerous parking unless you have an accident record, and whilst it is an offence to drive on pavements it has to be witnessed by eye witnesses.


A  [David Green]  In terms of double yellow lines or parking restrictions, we have to work within the financial resources we have.  In terms of parking which causes obstructions, my parking wardens have no powers.  The Police take action against people who are causing an obstruction.  There is no law to stop people parking on pavements as long as they are not causing obstructions.  We have implemented six regulation orders in specific areas, which prevent people parking on pavements, particularly on roads with terraced housing.


Q  Parking on the pavements and also double-banking, especially in one-way streets.


Q  The parking scheme the Council brought out about two years when the Council was offering to put carports in Council housing for a fee was very good.  Most residents at the Lingham end of the estate took up that option.  The offer was £140 when they were doing repairs to the pavements. There is also a danger of double parking or triple parking.


A  [David Green]:  We do offer a reduced rate whilst we are re-constructing the pavements, but if it is not part of re-construction, we have to charge the actual cost. The Council do not make a profit and cannot offer a subsidy,  it is the actual cost of doing the job.


Q  The pavements around Moreton are a disgrace.


Q  Consultation. Why have I never been consulted, and never been told when this building is going to close?  Where will we be, how big an area will be given?  What are we talking about?  28 days notice to get out?  Where will the new building be built?  Will it include the Youth Club?  In the meantime, who will respond to all the people who want to use the building, including yourselves? Even people like you who use the building are not prepared to give any information on the timescale for closure. When is the Council going to get in touch with people who are renting the building?


A  [Police}  Parking on the pavement can cause an obstruction and people can be prosecuted.  We targeted Borrowdale Road about 12 months ago and a number of motorists were given fixed penalties.  We need a note of what you are saying and we will look into it. Damage is caused to cars by double parking and it is a safety hazard.  Let me know and we will target the area.


Q  Can the Police and other authorities be around at school pick up and drop off times. In some roads you can’t get between the cars parked and people have to walk in the middle of the road, which causes inconvenience to parents taking and picking up their children from school.


A  [Police]  A number of issues were raised in Wallasey Village area and the Police, local authority, schools and residents were all involved.  It is a major problem throughout Wirral and we are looking at it.

A  [David Green]  We accept that parking outside schools is a major problem. We have a car fitted with a camera and the Secretary of State has given powers to base prosecutions on video evidence.  We hope the use of CCTV cameras will encourage people to park correctly outside schools.  We are trying to modify people’s behaviour by that means.


[Cllr Moseley] The 20 is Plenty pilot.  Are there any in Moreton?


[David Green]  The six areas in the pilot have been a success and we are seeking suggestions to place the signs in another 14 areas.


Q  [Cllr Blackeley]  Who controls the CCTV?


A  [David Green]  There is a contract with a company and their job is to enforce and issue tickets based on the evidence they receive.


Q  Can I have an answer to my question about the closure of this building?


A  [Cllr Blakeley]:  Councillor Moon has not attended.  He is a Cabinet member and the Cabinet has responsibility for the closures under the Strategy Asset review. Russ Glennon, Lead Officer, will take back and ask the people responsible for implementation.


A  [David Green]  I am not responsible for buildings and asset management – I deal with roads and carriageways and with issues to do with Streetscene. I want to help and accept that people want to know what the Asset Management Review means to them. I cannot give answers to specific questions, but I can confirm that a report is being prepared and will be considered by the Cabinet in March.  The Cabinet will consider the detail and how it will be implemented at that meeting.


Q  People have been phoning wanting to use this hall. I am taking bookings [for children’s parties etc], and the luncheon club is continuing etc., but I don’t want to disappoint people and cancel bookings at the last moment.


Why did we find out about this through the local newspaper, without being properly consulted? I have been doing this for 30 years because we love helping people, but I am not getting any help from you.  There will be a lot more young people on the streets causing trouble and older people who are not getting a hot meal.  You don’t think what the public want.


Q  I have heard that part of the plan is to close the youth club.  I actually work as a youth club worker, and I think they are vital to the community, and provide a vital service in addressing drugs and alcohol use.


A  [Chair]  The answer is no-one knows. The information is not in the public domain.  Whether someone has made a decision, I don’t know, it is not in the public domain as to when things will happen. It will go to Cabinet, and I don’t know if the information is available now.


A  [Cllr Blakely]  A decision was made to close buildings, but not decided what will replace them. It would seem more sensible to determine how you will provide the provision before you take it away.


Q  There has to be adequate means for us to go somewhere and provide the same service as we do now – a service to the community.


Q  Is everything signed and sealed from the asset review? Is everything finalised as far as the asset review is concerned, or is there any scope for changes etc.?


Q  I can answer that. I am a resident of the area and on Hoylake Library Action Group and involved in an organisation set up by Wirral TUC to fight the entire review.  One of the things we have done is to engage a barrister and we are looking at pursuing action on the lines of a judicial review. Stephen Hesford presented a report to the Local Government Ombudsman in York on Friday, and I gather that the Ombudsman has promised a reply within a month.  It is the right of everyone who doesn’t want the review to go through to complain to the Council.


Q  [Cllr Blakeley]:  The Ombudsman cannot change a Council decision but he can ask the Council to look at it again. The Culture Secretary has said it is up to individual Councils to function as they want. If we get the Ombudsman’s decision in our favour, we can take to the Council and say, ‘You have the power to call in the decision’.


As a party, we have given a commitment to re-open everything that Labour closes, if and when we take over control the Council.


Q  We will help you with that.


Bob Seddon:  I raise an objection. This is a non-political meeting.