Agenda item
NHS England - Quarterly Accountability Report
This will be a Verbal Report.
Nicola Allen, NHS England, attended the meeting and presented a verbal report to the Health and Wellbeing Board on the following areas:-
Strategy & Planning
STP: There was a national deadline of 30th June 2016 for STP submissions which Cheshire & Merseyside had met. 1:1 feedback would be given to local leaders regarding the submission by a panel including Simon Stevens (NHS England), Jim Mackie (NHS Improvement) and Mark Lloyd (LGA) on 20th July 2016.
The NHS England local office had worked with Regional colleagues and the NHS Improvement to perform a high level review of the financial submission which underpinned the STP. The broad themes to be fed back on this early submission were consistent with many other STP footprints, and these related to the maturity/robustness of governance arrangements and the reasonableness of the proportion of targeted efficiencies expected to arise from business as usual work streams.
In addition, the number of the financially challenged organisations operating within the footprint, and the risk for this to lead to inward focus on recovery solutions was recognised as a potential concern.
GP Forward View: The GP Forward View had been developed and published in April 2016. This was a 5 year plan to stabilise, develop and transform Primary Medical Care which would benefit from a £2.4bn investment in Primary Medical Care between 2016/17 and 2020/21. Across the GP Forward View there were in excess of 80 commitments to deliver with 56 having significant elements of regional or local delivery. The main themes of the document in meeting the five year forward view challenge were:
• Workforce
• Estate & digital technology
• Quality
• Innovation & Transformation at scale
Joint Commissioning of primary medical services with Wirral CCG had commenced on 1st April, with the first meeting of the Joint Primary Care Commissioning Committee being held in Quarter 1.
Financial Recovery: The Cheshire & Merseyside STP footprint had one of the highest proliferations of financially challenged CCGs. Financial plans for 2016/17 indicated a considerable level of financial risk is seeking to be managed. The picture was similarly challenging across the local provider system. As a consequence, there was a significant level of financial recovery effort being undertaken (under the oversight of the NHS England local office) to support the sustainability and transformation of services as set out in the STP. Inability to achieve this may impact on the overall ability of NHS England to remain within its formal resources envelope for 2016/17.
Health Outcomes
The Cheshire & Merseyside Strategic Clinical Network & Senate has merged with Lancashire (following the split of Lancashire & Greater Manchester Strategic Clinical Network as a consequence of Greater Manchester devolution). The new North West Coast Strategic Clinical Network was now co-terminus with the Academic Health Science Network and was ideally placed to support service improvement in the priority areas of Cancer, Mental Health & Dementia, Maternity Children & Young People, CVD, Palliative and End of Life care.
Councillor Phil Davies commented that it would be useful to look at the devolution area around health and Nicola Allen indicated that she would be happy to share this in a future Development Session of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Resolved – That the report be noted.