Agenda item
Wirral Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
Flooding has the capacity to impact on everyone in Wirral. It is important that we put in place a local strategy for the management of flood risk for the benefit of all Wirral residents.
‘We witnessed the very difficult circumstances experienced by some of our residents in Wirral in 2015, and this strategy will support our work to continue to improve our management of the risks of flooding so that – in as much as we are able – we manage the risk of similar incidents again.
‘Full consultation has been carried out, and the strategy proposed for Wirral has been endorsed by key stakeholders, including the Environment Agency
Councillor Bernie Mooney |
Mark Camborne, Head of Corporate and Community Safety, introduced the report on behalf of the Cabinet Member, who had given her apologies.
The report set the context for the requirement for a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) for Wirral, describing how it fitted within the Council’s statutory duties under the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010. It described how the LFRMS had been produced and consulted upon. Governance arrangements for the management of flood risk in Wirral, Merseyside and the North West were set out, as were the roles and responsibilities of key Risk Management Authorities (RMAs).
The LFRMS identified the various types of flood risk and coastal erosion, how these risks were currently managed and strategic principles for managing those flood and erosion risks which would guide the statutory role for Wirral Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) in delivering its duties under the FWMA.
The management of flood and coastal erosion risk fell and impacted directly on the following Environment Pledges in the Wirral Plan 2020 Vision:
· Wirral’s neighbourhoods are safe: Flooding and coastal erosion can increase the risk to life and property. By managing these risks in a strategic manner then the risks to neighbourhoods can be minimised.
· Wirral residents live healthier lives: The immediate impact on health following flooding was apparent however for those that live with the risk of flooding or coastal erosion the longer term health effects can be as serious. The LFRMS sets out a strategic approach, including on-going community engagement to allow those at risk to become involved in the management of flood risk.
A Section 19 report was being reported to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny at its meeting that evening on the flooding which occurred in August and September, 2015 and he reported that a number of recommendations within the report were being worked upon. He drew the Cabinet’s attention to the five objectives for managing local flood risks detailed in the report and the fact that there were healthy reserves in place to help with bids for strategic flood prevention. Work was being undertaken with a weather hazard management system and information was now available on line for residents to monitor potential flooding risks. Applications had been submitted to Defra for grant-in-aid funding to investigate flood risk across the Wirral.
Reason for decision:
The FWMA identifies new statutory duties for Wirral Council as LLFA. Section 9 of the FWMA requires production of a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) which sets out how flood risk will be managed at a local level and in the strategic context of the National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in England. Approval of the Wirral LFRMS ensures compliance with this statutory obligation.
The LFRMS has identified an Action Plan for future management of flood risk. By approving the Action Plan the Council can work with communities and partners to identify priorities for maximising government investment to deliver sustainable solutions for the delivery of flood risk management.
RESOLVED: That the Wirral Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and accompanying Action Plan for the future management of flood and coastal erosion risk on Wirral, be approved.
Supporting documents:
- Wirral Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, item 33. PDF 129 KB
- EIA for Wirral Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, item 33. PDF 137 KB
- Appendix 1 - Wirral Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, item 33. PDF 440 KB
- Appendix 2 - Action Plan to LFRMS, item 33. PDF 34 KB