Agenda item
Motion - Securing Local Pharmacy Services
Prior to consideration of the Motion and having earlier declared a personal and prejudicial interest Councillors P Davies and Tom Anderson left the meeting and took no part in the consideration of this item (Minute 24 refers)
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist
Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
“Council notes that the Department of Health undertook a consultation on the future of Community Pharmacies which concluded in May 2016.
Council recognises that this has created uncertainty about the range of accessible pharmacy services, with the delivery of a petition to 10 Downing Street bearing 1.8 million signatures raising concerns.
Council is concerned that the potential changes in the funding of pharmacy services may have an adverse impact on the availability of local services, with an impact on GP workload and pressures on hospital services. This would have an adverse impact on the Wirral Plan and undermine the objectives of Healthy Wirral.
Council therefore requests that the Cabinet:
1. ensure that this Council and its partners work with health providers so as to ensure that there is no reduction in the provision of services to Wirral’s residents;
2. ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board is kept informed of the emerging arrangements so that the impact of any efficiency savings can be monitored and assessed.
An amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Janette Williamson
Seconded by Councillor Moira McLaughlin
Add the following:
Council notes that there are potential changes to the funding of pharmacy services following on from the completion of the consultation currently underway by the Department of Health and is uncertain how this will impact on the objectives of Healthy Wirral. We therefore request that this matter be referred to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further scrutiny to ensure better informed decision making.
Having heard from the movers and seconders, Councillor P Gilchrist indicated that he was happy to accept the amendment proposed by Councillor Williamson.
A vote was then taken on the substantive motion as amended,
Resolved- (55:0) (One abstention)
(1) Council notes that the Department of Health undertook a consultation on the future of Community Pharmacies which concluded in May 2016.
(2) Council recognises that this has created uncertainty about the range of accessible pharmacy services, with the delivery of a petition to 10 Downing Street bearing 1.8 million signatures raising concerns.
(3) Council is concerned that the potential changes in the funding of pharmacy services may have an adverse impact on the availability of local services, with an impact on GP workload and pressures on hospital services. This would have an adverse impact on the Wirral Plan and undermine the objectives of Healthy Wirral.
(4) Council therefore requests that the Cabinet:
a. ensure that this Council and its partners work with health providers so as to ensure that there is no reduction in the provision of services to Wirral’s residents;
b. ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board is kept informed of the emerging arrangements so that the impact of any efficiency savings can be monitored and assessed.
(5) Council notes that there are potential changes to the funding of pharmacy services following on from the completion of the consultation currently underway by the Department of Health and is uncertain how this will impact on the objectives of Healthy Wirral. We therefore request that this matter be referred to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further scrutiny to ensure better informed decision making.