Agenda item



A report by the Head of Environment considered objections submitted against the proposal to introduce traffic calming features along with a 20mph Traffic Regulation Order in Devonshire Place Area, Claughton.


Members heard from the Highways Team Leader that on 1 December 2010, Planning Committee considered an application for the re-development of Birkenhead High School (minute no.122 refers). Members were informed that the application was approved subject to a number of conditions including the ‘provision of speed reduction measures in Devonshire Place and Manor Hill, between Egerton Road and Palm Grove’.


In addition, it was reported that on 28 May 2015, Birkenhead Constituency Committee allocated £10,000 from the 2014/15 Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme to implement traffic calming measures around Birkenhead High School Academy, impacting also on St Anselm’s College and Red Court School.


Members were then advised that the consultation period for the proposed scheme was held from 11 May 2016 to 3 June 2016 and letters providing details of the proposals were delivered to 365 affected properties. Party Spokespersons and Ward Councillors for Claughton and Oxton Wards were also informed. In addition, a public meeting was also held and attended by approximately 50 residents, two Claughton Ward Councillors and two Council Officers.


It was reported that following the formal consultation exercise, 43 responses were received of which 23 objected to the construction of road humps and 14 objected to the 20mph Traffic Regulation Order. 20 responses were received supporting the proposals to construct road humps whilst 29 supported the proposed 20mph Traffic Regulation Order. A summary of objections were included within Appendix 2 of the report.


Officers responded to questions from Members


It was agreed by the Chair that residents present in objection to the scheme would address the Committee first, followed by those residents in support.


Councillor D Mitchell, at this point disclosed a personal interest by virtue of him being acquainted with one of the Objectors.


An Objector addressed the Panel to express concerns regarding the implementation of speed humps, and the potential for accidents to occur due to increased stop/start traffic. Members heard how it was the contention of the objector that speed of traffic did not pose an issue within this area and therefore residents would not benefit from traffic calming measures. The Objector also raised questions regarding the validity of data collected by Officers.


The Highways Team Leader informed the Panel that Officers aim to collect a representative sample of data during every traffic survey.

A second Objector then addressed the Panel to address ongoing issues with volumes of traffic within the area due to there being three schools within the immediate area. Concerns were raised regarding the traffic survey having been conducted during the middle of the day when traffic from schools was minimal.


A third Objector addressed the Panel and spoke of concerns regarding the implementation of speed humps and how it was her belief that speed humps in the area would exacerbate the congestion in the area, particularly during the start and end of a school day.


A fourth Objector then spoke of concerns that road humps would cause an inconvenience to local residents using the surrounding roads during non peak hours. He reiterated that, generally, the area is very quiet and therefore it is unnecessary to enforce speed humps. Further concerns were then raised  regarding the potential for increased levels of pollution within the area due to high emissions from traffic stopping and starting frequently.


The Chair then invited residents in support of the scheme to address the Panel


Five residents addressed the Panel in support of the scheme detailing issues in the area with speeding and expressed their full support for the scheme. Details of various incidents were provided to the Panel, including frequent high speed of vehicles, driving on pavement, the area being used as diversion to avoid other streets with road humps and an incident whereby a pedestrian was injured due to erratic driving.


The Headteacher from Redcourt School was in attendance and expressed her full support for the application. She informed the Panel of the measures her school had put in place in order to address traffic, speeding and parking issues including the introduction of a voluntary one way system and the encouragement of pupils walking to school.


Councillor A Brighouse, Oxton Ward Councillor then addressed the Committee to address both positive and negatives of the scheme. He agreed that road humps are the only way to enforce a 20mph speed restriction but further acknowledged that during non peak hours, the surrounding roads are fairly quiet. He also explained to members of the public funding allocated to this project through a Section 106 legal agreement and therefore the Council will not be sourcing the funds for this project.


Officers responded to questions from Members.


In making its decision Members had regard to all written and verbal information provided to them in advance of, and during the meeting.


Resolved that –


(1)  The Panel notes the objections received and Officers’ responses; and


(2)  Recommend to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the proposals as shown on drawing no. DC/0158/100 is approved for implementation.


Supporting documents: