Agenda item

Update from Merseyside Police

Neighbourhood Inspector Katie Wilkinson to report.


Kate Wilkinson, the Neighbourhood Inspector was in attendance at the meeting and provided the Committee with an presentation on key issues and priorities within the Wirral South Area.


Members were informed that an imminent force re-structure could affect local policing. It was explained that staff at Bromborough will merge with staff at Birkenhead and will be based out of Bebington Police Station. The Police will be separated into functions rather than areas. The Neighbourhood Inspector advised that she would remain within local policing.


The Neighbourhood Inspector then provided a verbal position statement on crimes and anti-social behaviour in Wirral South. This included:


·  A number of young people who had previously been involved with ASB at The Oval and New Ferry had now been dealt with accordingly.

·  There is an emerging issue of ASB in the New Ferry area and there is a lack of community based support work. Volunteers are sought to assist with issues and anyone interested should contact Kate Wilkinson.

·  There has been a dramatic increase in burglaries in Spital. Local Police Officer have worked alongside the Neighbourhood watch members and it had been identified that in the majority of cases, burglaries had occurred in unsecured properties.

·  There has been concern raised over young people throwing items from a bridge, located on the A41 ( New Ferry Bypass). An incident had occurred whereby an object had been dropped onto a vehicle of a woman who has 7 months pregnant. A press release had been issued to appeal for witnesses, however, there had been little feedback received. A 4G camera had now been installed as a deterrent.

·  During the meeting of the previous Constituency Committee it was identified that there had been a spike in burglaries in Community Based Centres. Members were informed that CSO’s had visited affected premises and as a result there had been a reduction.

·  ASB had reduced by 6%, however some concerns were raised regarding the methods in which ASB was being reported. On occasion, residents had contacted their Councillor or MP to report incidents but had not notified the Police. Members and residents were urged to always report to Police so hotspots can be identified.


Questions and Answers


Councillor Jerry Williams enquired as to why issues still remained in getting through to the 101 call centre. He advised the Committee that it had taken 20 minutes for his call to be answered.


Inspector Wilkinson informed that she was aware of the issues and had spoken to the Call and Response Team, based in Liverpool. She informed the Committee that over 75% of calls are answered within a minute and some work is being conducted around exploring ‘demand times’ to consider the structure of the call centre. It was explained that if the nature of the call meant that an Officer did not need to be deployed, then the crime must be accurately recorded, thus adding to call times.  She explained that this is a national issue and has been raised at Government level.


Councillor Les Rowlands commented how he had found it extraordinary that a Section 60 Order had been put in place in Heswall Ward and enquired about police patrols in the area


Kate Wilkinson explained the Committee that a Section 60 Order is a power vested to the Assistant Chief Constable and when issued to an area Officers can stop and search individuals for offensive weapons. This had been put in place following an incident in Pensby following a knife attack. Members heard how during this time extra patrols were deployed to the area and a dispersal zone was implemented in the area.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist expressed his gratitude to CSO’s who had attended and assisted with the new system of dropping of children to Christ the King Primary School. He then enquired over the Asset Management Strategy in place for existing Police Stations and he was informed by Kate Wilkinson that some Officers involved in a Tri-Force collaboration project would remain at Bromborough Police Station for at least 1 – 2 years. David Armstrong, Assistant Chief Exceutive also informed the Committee that the Council have worked closely with Merseyside Police with regards to plans for Bebington Police Station.


Mark Craig, Community Representative, explained that a meeting had taken place last week in New Ferry Ward to discuss growing incidents of ASB. He informed that Community Representatives had constantly urged resident to report crime, but confidence had been lost on the 101 reporting system. A comment was made regarding Pledge 19 of the 20/20 plan, ’Wirral’s Neighbourhoods are safe’ and the viewpoint that in New Ferry, the Council are failing on this pledge.


The Chair explained that, as part of this Committee’s agenda, the 20/20 pledges would remain to be a standard agenda item so that issues can be monitored and discussed.


Ray Squire, Community Representative informed the Neighbourhood Inspector how he is responsible for coordinating a Home-watch scheme in the Heswall area. He raised concerns that he had not been informed by the Police about any burglaries.


Kate Wilkinson responded by explaining that while Mr Squire’s Home-watch scheme involves a large number of residents, the area covers a small section of Heswall, Reported burglaries have been in other parts of the Ward, not covered by this scheme.


Councillor Walter Smith enquired into plans for Bebington Police Station and expressed concern over a lack of communication and secrecy in obtaining plans.


Kate Wilkinson explained that plans of any police station would not be published and made readily available as this could pose a significant security threat.


Councillor W Ward, declared a personal interest at this stage by virtue of his previous employment and his involvement with the Estate Strategy.




That Inspector Kate Wilkison be thanked for her report and her attendance at the meeting.