Agenda item

2016/17 Quarter 2 Wirral Plan Performance - Environment Theme


The Strategic Commissioner for Environment introduced his report that provided the 2016/17 Quarter 2 (July – September) performance report for Wirral Plan pledges under the Environment theme. The report, which was included as Appendix 1, provided a description of the progress in Quarter 2 as well as providing available data in relation to a range of outcome indicators and supporting measures. 


The report informed that at quarter 1, a range of feedback was provided by each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the reports provided. Following this, officers had met with the Committee Chairs and Spokespersons to review report provision.  The report piloted an approach agreed at that session to provide more detail in terms of performance against each of the pledges that fell under the remit of the Environment Committee.


The Strategic Commissioner for Environment informed that reporting had now been re-aligned to the Wirral Plan and pledges therein and that, as data for the identified indicators was released at different times throughout the year, not all Pledges would have results each quarterly reporting period i.e. some indicators will be reported quarterly and some only on an annual basis with annual figures reported in the quarter they became available.


A discussion followed regarding the relevance of Plan Indicators, supporting measures, and targets. Members commented on a number of specific indicators that included statistics on the increase of numbers of people who are cycling and the number of fixed penalty notices issued for littering and dog fouling. Members questioned the Officer on key points relating to fixed penalty notices and how conflicting messages could be gleaned from the certain statistics i.e. more fixed penalty notices issued for dog fouling and littering is better in terms of enforcement action, but could also be indicative of more litter being dropped, and therefore was not a good indicator in terms of compliance or behavioural change.


Members were apprised that, in general, there appeared to be positive behavioural change with more instances of waste ‘pick up’ having been witnessed by council staff and contractors.


Cabinet Member Bernie Mooney, who had attended the meeting to observe the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to the new reporting format, provided additional information on the subject of littering, namely:


  • Under 18 year olds cannot be fined.
  • The Council was working with Eco-Schools to educate children on the issues arising from littering.
  • Litter picks involving children were taking place in the borough and near schools.
  • 80-85% of fines were to do with cigarette litter.
  • There had been a 75% success rate in fine collection.
  • 30% of the cases had ended up in Court.
  • Wirral Council was nominated and a contender for a National Award.
  • If any Councillors were aware of problem areas – report it.


The Strategic Commissioner for Environment informed that information regarding areas targeted for special clean-up and / or enforcement came from the use of information gained from complaints from Members and the public, general enquiries, and observations by council contractors and staff.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Supporting documents: