Agenda item



The Managing Director for Delivery reported upon an application that had been received from Tranmere Rovers Football Club Limited for a Premises Licence in respect of Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Prenton Road West, Birkenhead, under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003.


It was reported that these premises currently held a Premises Licence which permitted licensable activities within the fabric of the stadium and a marquee when used as a Fan Zone.  The application was to include the areas outside of the fabric of the stadium to allow large events to take place for no more than five days per calendar year and the hours requested were outlined within the report.


The applicant had submitted an operating schedule setting out how the business would be conducted/managed in accordance with the four licensing objectives. A copy of the full application was available. Members were advised that the proposals set out in the operating schedule may become conditions of the licence should the application be granted.


Members were informed that following discussions with the Responsible Authorities, in particular Merseyside Police, and the Licensing Authority, the applicant had agreed to include a number of comprehensive conditions on the Premises Licence should it be granted.


Representations had been received from three local residents.  The representations related to concerns that nuisance would be caused by music during the event and by increased parking.  The representations also related to concerns that bats would be disturbed by music during the events that were currently believed to roost within the vicinity of the premises.


Mr Morris, Licensing Consultant, Mr Kruger, Operations Manager, Mrs Palios, Vice Chair of Tranmere Rovers Football Club and Ms King, Trainee Solicitor, attended the meeting.


Mr T Zorn, Environmental Health Officer was also in attendance.


The Licensing Manager confirmed that all documentation had been sent and received and that two further documents had been submitted which had been provided to Members.


Mr Morris addressed the Sub-Committee and advised Members that the application had been made and advertised and that the purpose of the application was to enable the premises to hold a three day music event and that the other two days applied for would be to hold boxing/wrestling events.  He informed Members that there was no intention to hold an event for five days of live music.  Mr Morris referred to the fact that no representations had been received from any of the responsible authorities and that the applicant had met with local residents and sought to address any concerns they had raised.  He also advised that meetings had taken place with Merseyside Police, Environmental Health and the Licensing Authority in respect of the application and that a number of comprehensive conditions proposed by Merseyside Police had been agreed to should the application be granted.


Mr Kruger informed Members that significant financial investment had been made and that two popular acts had been secured for the event.  He advised that should the application be granted, there would be regular meetings with the Safety Advisory Group as well as other sub groups and partners who would engage in the development of an Event Management Plan for the three day music event.  He further advised Members that the Event Management Plan would include measures that would address concerns raised in the representations.


In response to the written representations made by local residents, Mr Kruger referred to the independent report that had been provided by the applicant which had concluded that the impact on bats associated with the proposed music event was considered to be of negligible significance.  He also advised that concerns in respect of noise had been seriously considered and a number of conditions would be in place in order that this could be mitigated as much as possible.  Mr Kruger referred to his extensive experience in running events similar to this and advised that previous events at the stadium had large attendance numbers.


MrMorris  and Mr Kruger responded to questions from Members of the Sub-Committee and Mr D K Abraham, Legal Advisor to the Sub-Committee.


In determining the application Members had regard to the Licensing Objectives, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Statutory Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.


Mr T Zorn advised Members that he was content that the conditions proposed to control noise had been accepted by the applicant and that the position of the stage would reduce the impact of noise on local residents.


In determining the matter Members also took into account the fact that the application had been made in order to accommodate events at the football stadium on no more than five days per calendar year and that any music event would be on no more than three consecutive days.


Resolved -


(1)  That in accordance with Regulation 14(2) of the Licensing Act 2003, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the application.


(2)  That the application for a Premises Licence in respect of Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Prenton Road West, Birkenhead, be granted for no more than 5 days per calendar year as follows:


Sale by Retail of Alcohol


11:00 to 23:00


Hours open to the Public


11:00 to 00:00


Late Night Refreshment


23:00 to 00:00


Boxing and Wrestling Entertainment


11:00 and 23:00


Live Music, Recorded Music, Performance of Dance and Anything of a Similar Description


11:00 and 23:00


(3)  That the agreed conditions be applied to the Premises Licence.





Supporting documents: