Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from Julia Hassall.


The Director of Children’s Services delivered a presentation to update Members in respect of the Improvement Plan.


Members were advised that a website had been set up in order that the Improvement Plan and minutes of the Improvement Board may be accessed.  A number of comments from the Young People’s Reference Group held in December were provided in order that Members were aware of the issues that the children had raised.  It was reported that an engagement session had taken place between the Deputy Director for Children’s Care Services, the Interim Strategic Lead for Improvement and a group of Social Workers in order that frontline managers could voice their concerns.  Managers had highlighted that the emotional wellbeing of children was a big issue and that the waiting list for CAMHS was too long and the threshold too high.  Another concern was that there was a lack of business support and that a stable workforce was needed to improve outcomes for children and young people.


The Director of Children’s Services reported that a number of conferences had been held with partners which had been very well attended.  She advised that the feedback from these conferences was positive and that it was felt that thresholds had been clarified. 


The Director referred to the Improvement Plan and advised that this comprised three parts:  People, Practice and Performance.  People - focussed on getting the right people permanently in post.  Members were advised that Simone White had been appointed as Deputy Director, Children’s Social Care and that interviews were being held on 17 February for key Senior Manager posts.  Carol Nixon had been appointed as the new Group Manager for Children in Care and Care Leavers and Kerry Metor had been appointed as the new interim Senior Manager, Children’s Safeguarding.  Practice - a number of conferences were being delivered and had been well attended by professionals.  Manager’s standards had been issued to all managers comprising eleven key points that were expected of them.  Also, all front line managers had been undertaking training and a training session for elected members had been delivered in December.  Performance - monthly performance clinics had been established which reviewed live data against core performance measures.  Coaching and mentoring of staff had taken place as well as auditing and audit feedback workshops were being delivered from January 2017 onwards.  The Improvement Plan had been submitted to Ofsted and DfE on 23 December 2016.


Members were informed that Ofsted had undertaken their first monitoring visit which had been carried out over two days.  Six cases that had been referred since 1 December 2016 were audited and approximately twenty four sampled cases.  It was reported that the findings of the visit would be shared with the Improvement Board and that feedback was expected at the end of February.


In response to questions from Members, it was reported that vacancies still existed for permanent social worker posts and that different ways of recruiting were being sought.  The Director advised that work was continually being undertaken with colleagues in Liverpool to explore the possibility of recruiting across Liverpool.  Members were advised that changes in respect of the Children’s and Social Care Bill were being followed and that representations had been made by professional associations.  The Director stated that it was important to focus on core essentials.


The Director assured Members that the Improvement Board would show how outcomes for children would be improved and that the Department for Education Minister was checking progress, therefore strong external scrutiny was in place.


Resolved – That the Director of Children’s Services be thanked for her presentation.