Agenda item


To receive the written reports of the Executive and Policy and Performance Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.



The Mayor introduced the reports from the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports.


Councillor Steve Foulkes asked a question of Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure referring to recent adverse weather considerations and asking for a report on the response.  Councillor Whittingham referred to comments made at the Budget Council meeting and the thanks expressed for those staff who had worked all hours during the adverse condition.  The comments had been fed back to the staff concerned and been gratefully received.


Councillor Chris Blakeley asked the Leader of the Council for an update on his recent visit to New York.  Councillor Phil Davies advised that the Bloomberg Foundation and Harvard University funded the City Leadership Initiative, inviting Mayors and Leaders from a number of cities around the world to share experiences on matters of common interest and concern.  Matters considered included achieving inclusive growth, ensuring local people benefit from investment and job creation, and ensuring children and young people are school ready; the intention was to continue dialogue and the sharing of good practice.  Attendance, which had been funded by the Bloomberg Foundation at no cost to the Council, was considered to have benefits for the Liverpool City Region.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked Councillor George Davies, Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, whether the creation of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) provided Wirral with further opportunities to increase the number of affordable homes in Wirral, and what work was being undertaken with Housing Associations to meet local needs?  Councillor George Davies advised that the MHCLG had a single plan which set out their objectives and how they will achieve them.  The plan set out a range of measures which continue to provide opportunities for Wirral to build on its successful record of delivering new affordable homes in the borough, in particular through the existing Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme.  The Council was continuing to work with Registered Providers to identify new development sites and opportunities to provide more affordable homes in the borough.  In addition, the Council is continuing to review and identify potential Council sites which could be recommended for sale to Registered Providers for the development of new affordable homes and also has in place capital programmes to provide funding for the development of new affordable housing, including the provision of Extra Care Housing to meet local needs.


Councillor Paul Stuart asked Councillor Matthew Patrick, Cabinet Member for Localism and Engagementfor an update on the neighbourhood working review.  Councillor Patrick advised that he and Rachael Musgrave had, between them, attended all four Constituency Committees to advise on progress and emerging messages.  Informal reports indicated that these sessions had been generally well received, and he hoped that all members felt engaged in the process.  Final emails would be sent to community and other interested groups in the near future.


Councillor Lesley Rennie asked Councillor Matthew Patrick, Cabinet Member for Localism and Engagement whether spending £¼M on Wirral View, and a further £140,000 in the next financial year, was delivering value for money on community engagement.  Councillor Patrick, acknowledging difficulties with delivery, advised that he believed Wirral View was a sensible approach given previous approaches spent more money with less result.


Councillor Dave Mitchell referring to a number of complications arising with the project, asked Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure when the new road bridge at East Float would be in place.  Councillor Whittingham advised that a number of events outside the control of the Council had occurred, but that the right combination of tide and weather were now awaited to allow installation.


Councillor Tony Smith raised concerns with Councillor Bernie Mooney, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, noting the implications arising from implementation of Universal Credit and the reduction in the income threshold to qualify for school meals.  Councillor Mooney advised that the implications regarding Universal Credit and any impact on the pupil premium linked to school meal take-up were difficult to understand and assess.  The position was a concern as the poorest children needed help, as being fed was a determinant in increased learning.  Schools also had the potential of losing significant education funding sums from any reduction in the Pupil Premium.  The Council was making efforts to ensure that as many eligible parents as possible signed up for free school meals.


Councillor Wendy Clements gave notice of a question to Councillor Angela Davies, Cabinet Member for Transformation who was not in attendance, asking when details of the review of libraries, leisure and recreation would be shared with user groups and others.


Councillor Chris Carubia asked a question of Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, querying why Members, when recently approached to submit suggested roads for repair, had been asked not to put forward names of roads for repair which had been submitted previously.  Councillor Whittingham advised that a list for investment was maintained, and this Highways Officer list was one aspect in determining works which were programmed following site surveys.


Councillor Bruce Berry, in noting that the Safer Wirral Hub was now fully operational, asked Councillor George Davies, Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, whether Wirral would now be better placed to deal with the nuisance of scrambler bikes.  Councillor George Davies advised that this was the case, and that the police would now be in a better position to react as concerns were raised.


Councillor Stuart Kelly, referring to the removal of free school meals through changes to Universal Credit, asked the Cabinet Member for Children and Families if she would intensify the message to parents to claim before 1 April 2018 to ensure schools retained their pupil premium, including via school websites.  He asked whether, as the Council would have names and addresses for the new cohort starting school in September 2018, parents be contacted now about free school meals.  Councillor Bernie Mooney agreed to consider the options, and advised that the Council was taking all steps to make sure parents signed up soon.


Councillor Pat Cleary asked a question of Councillor Phill Brightmore, Cabinet Member for the Environment, regarding the commitment to eliminate single use plastics and queried progress in their removal from Council buildings.  Councillor Brightmore advised on removal of plastic cups and efforts to ensure that coffee cups were recyclable.


Councillor Les Rowlands asked the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, Councillor Stuart Whittingham, what had been done to fill the 12 school crossing patrol vacancies.  Councillor Whittingham advised that such roles had been traditionally difficult to recruit to, especially so in light of welfare reforms and the limited hours.  Efforts to recruit were still ongoing.


Councillor Chris Carubia queried whether any consultations had been undertaken in respect of direct payments as referenced in the report of the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health.  Councillor Christine Jones advised that work was being undertaken to see what approaches suited people best; some consultations had been undertaken and approaches adopted elsewhere had been looked into.  She undertook to keep the Councillor updated.


Councillor David Elderton gave notice of a question to Councillor Chris Spriggs, Cabinet Member for Delivering Differently who was not in attendance, asking when the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers costing £79,000 for integrating health and social care services was to be published.


Councillor Ian Lewis, noting the reported drop of 11% in anti-social behaviour complaints reported to Merseyside Police as contained in the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, advised of issues raised concerning bike thefts and asked if the Cabinet Member was prepared to meet with him and a concerned group of bike owners.  Councillor George Davies indicated his agreement.


Councillor Dave Mitchell, in referencing road conditions, asked Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, what process and what pressure was put on United Utilities to ensure that their access covers were level with the highway, referencing a particular case on the A41.  Councillor Whittingham advised these were pursued if reported, and asked for the particular issue to be referred to him to look into.


In response to a query from Councillor Les Rowlands concerning an update on the Pothole Fund, the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, Councillor Stuart Whittingham, advised that detail was available on the Council’s website.


Councillor Ian Lewis, referencing Universal Credit, queried with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Councillor Bernie Mooney, as to whether the Council had taken part in a consultation undertaken free school meals.  Councillor Mooney undertook to respond in writing to the query.


Councillor Wendy Clements queried issues that had been raised with regard to the birthing centre being provided at Seacombe Children’s Centre.  The Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Councillor Bernie Mooney, advised of meeting with people who had concerns about the facility, and of the importance for women that attend the unit to have their babies feeling they were in a safe environment.


Councillor Bruce Berry expressed a concern to the Leader of the Council relating to the disposal of land and related costs in association with a development at Girtrell Court.  Councillor Phil Davies undertook to respond in writing to the Councillor.


Councillor Steve Foulkes noted to Councillor Bernie Mooney, the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, that the implications for free school meals linked to Universal Credit would not apply to Northern Ireland.

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