Agenda item

Integrated Transport Block Funding


Mark Smith gave an update on the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) Funding (detailed on pages 22-25 of the Community Engagement report).


In Autumn 2006 the forums were consulted on how this funding would be allocated. Nine of the forums requested that the funding remain in a central pot for funding larger schemes. Two of the forums (Heswall/Pensby/Thingwall and Bromborough/Eastham) requested that the funding be allocated by the forums. The success of this initiative piloted in 2007/08 in these two Area Forums, has led to continued de-centralisation of funds for 2008/09 for the two forums and officers being requested to consult with the remaining nine Forums to determine if they wish to receive de-centralised funding (this will be approximately £18,000 per area forum) for allocation on traffic schemes. If the forums decide to opt for this the funding they will be supported by an officer form Technical Services, who will offer guidance, advice, ideas and information on costs, risks, pitfalls etc. The funding would have to be spent within the financial year it is allocated. A report on the forums’ recommendations will be taken to Cabinet on 19th March 2009, so the decision needs to be made by within the next few days. The main advantage would be that the forum would be able to decide how the money is spent. The  main disadvantage – it is a small pot of money and would only fund small scale schemes, whereas if it remained in a central pot there would be a good chance that the area would receive a large scale traffic calming scheme every 2-3 years.


The Chair thanked Mark Smith for his update, the Forum debated this proposal and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Peter Exley – is this in addition to the amount that the Council would normally spend in the area?

A.  The £200,000 (approx £18,000 per forum) comes from the central LTP pot and there is discretion on how it can be allocated, as no criteria has to be applied or satisfied, enabling the option of decisions being determined locally.


2.  Councillor McLaughlin – Rock Ferry has had some big schemes put in place, which may not have been carried out if the funding was decentralised, what are the costs of some of the significant sized projects?

A. There has been a good deal of expenditure in this area, and smaller projects usually have less of an impact. Examples of approximate costs included:

·  typical puffin crossing -  £25,000 - £30,000

·  small residential traffic calming scheme  - £35,000 - £40,000

·  large residential traffic calming scheme - £60,000 - £70,000

·  pedestrian refuge - £5,000 - £7,000

·  road markings - £3,000 - £4,000


Councillor Meaden added that two puffin crossings and six central walkways had been installed in the Rock Ferry ward within the last 18 months.

3.  Councillor Kenny – how would it be guaranteed that a forum would receive the funding in the second year if it pooled its resources with another forum in the first year for a project within that area?

A.  The £18,000 is provided on a recurring basis, once the decision has been delegated it would be up to the forum to decide how it is spent.


4.  Member of the public – could three forums pool the funding?

A.  Yes, it would be up to the forums to decide how it is spent.


5.  Michelle Gray – if an area forum decided to accept the fund, but not have enough for a project would this never be carried out?

A. The funding comes from the Department of Transport, and there is no other funding for this type of scheme, however sometimes external funding is available.


6.  Michelle Gray – would a dedicated officer be available to assist and advise the forum on the process?

A. Yes, the department are committed to assisting / giving technical advice to the forums.


The Chair confirmed that last time the forum agreed it would benefit from keeping the funding centralised and recommended that this continues. The forum voted and agreed this recommendation.


Resolved that: 

(i)  Mark Smith be thanked for his update

(ii)  Mark Smith to report the forum recommendation, to leave the funding in the central pot, to Cabinet