Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Stuart Barnes, Chief Executive of Wirral Youth Zone, The Hive.


Stuart Barnes, Chief Executive of the Wirral Youth Zone, The Hive, gave a presentation to Members of the Committee.


He reported that the Hive had opened in April and that it was the eighth similar project in the country.  It had been developed by a charity called On Sick Youth Zones who had formed a local charity – Wirral Youth Zone which was an independent charity with a strong private sector involvement.


Mr Barnes advised that a target had been set for twenty similar projects to be open by 2020 and it was believed that the Hive was the best facility for young people in the country.  Twenty activities were provided at every session which included sports, boxing, a fitness suite, a climbing wall, arts, a multi media room, a music room, a salon, cooking, a skate park and a football pitch.  It was hoped that the Hive would help young people achieve their potential and development in a safe supportive environment and employability and enterprise programmes were available.  Members were informed that there was a joining fee of £5 per year with a charge of 50p per visit and that the facility was open on weekends, evenings, school holidays and Bank holidays.


Members heard that the Hive was already having an impact by way of positive experiences and that youths had been provided with confidence and self-esteem and that staff at the premises were polite and engaged with the young people.


Mr Barnes stated that there had been a projected target to gain 3,000 members within the first twelve months, however, this had already been exceeded with a membership of 4,200 from every ward across Wirral.  He advised that sixty jobs had been created which was likely to increase and that 150 volunteers were expected by September.  Mr Barnes expressed his confidence that there would be a reduction in anti-social behaviour in the area as other zones had seen a reduction of 52-77%.  A young leaders project was also being developed to support young people to be fit for work and fit for life.  Members were informed that young people had always been at the heart of the project by having had ongoing consultation and input and had influenced the design of the building.


Finally it was reported that there were 22 founder patrons on board by way of local businesses, there was ongoing consultation, collaboration and partnership with young people, local companies and other organisations and there was a common goal which was to support the future of the Borough’s young people.


In response to questions from Members, Mr Barnes advised that there had been a lack of support in respect of transport, however extra funding had since been secured and that a mini bus would be travelling to areas where fewer young people were coming from.  He advised that there were close working links with Magenta and it was also hoped that connections with Merseytravel would be pursued.


Members expressed their appreciation in respect of the potential reduction in anti-social behaviour in the area.  Mr Barnes advised that there had been a reduction in the last three months.  He believed that a positive relationship had been maintained with other local youth clubs and advised that there was no intention to compete with other provisions.


The Chair thanked Mr Barnes for his presentation in respect of the fantastic facilities that had been provided and requested that he report back in a year’s time.


Resolved – That Mr Barnes be thanked for his presentation.