Agenda item

Summary of Standards – Provisional Outcomes for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 August 2017


Mrs Sue Talbot, Lead Commissioner Schools introduced the report of the Director of Children’s Services that provided a summary and detailed analysis for the pupil outcomes at the age of 5 (Good level of development), the age of 7 (Key Stage 1 SATs) and at the age of 11 (Key Stage 2 SATs).


The report informed that comparisons have been made with the results nationally wherever possible. However many of the national results had not yet been published. When the statistical first releases were published at the end of September the report would be amended. At the time of writing the report, the following summary applied:


·  Early Years – The percentage of children attaining a good level of development (69.4%) is similar to last year.

·  Year 1 – Fewer children achieved the national standard in phonics.

·  Year 2 – More children at the age of 7 attained the standard this year in reading and writing and mathematics (RWM). Writing showed the biggest improvement.

·  Year 6 - More children at the age of 11 attained the standard this year in reading and writing and mathematics (RWM). Mathematics saw the biggest improvement.


This report provided a detailed analysis of pupil outcomes which can be used to measure the impact of work undertaken in the following pledges: Children are ready for school, Young people are ready for work and adulthood, and Vulnerable children reach their full potential.


This report provided the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a very detailed analysis of outcomes for all pupil groups at the end of each key stage in the primary phase of education. The analysis of outcomes has also been provided by locality (Birkenhead, South Wirral, Wallasey and West Wirral).


Mrs Talbot informed that the report had been shared with Primary Head Teachers just prior to consideration by Members. Members were apprised of a number of key statistics as detailed in the report executive summary relating to:


  • Early Years - The percentage of children attaining a good level of development (GLD) at the age of 5 has remained static for the last 3 years (69.4%).


  • Year One - Fewer children achieved the standard in phonics (76%). Less children in the Birkenhead locality met the standard. The largest decrease from last year was in the Wallasey locality (-7.2%). There were some real anomalies this year, for example one school’s results plummeted from 88.2% to 28.6%.


  • Key Stage One - More children at the age of 7 attained the expected standard this year (an improvement of 4%) for attainment in reading and writing and mathematics combined (RWM). Attainment remains below the national average but the gap is narrowing. Fewer children looked after met the expected standard this year.


  • Key Stage Two - More children at the age of 11 attained the expected standard in reading and writing and mathematics (RWM) than last year – an increase of 8% (49% to 57%). However attainment remains below the national average by 4%.


Members of the Committee asked a number of questions on the background factors that impacted on the statistical evidence. Mrs Talbot responded accordingly and provided information on how monitoring of individual schools, partner working between schools and interventions by school improvement officers all contributed to addressing any concerns. She added that a wide variety of contributory factors could affect the statistics e.g. staff sickness and cohort size, but all identified anomalies were thoroughly investigated and schools challenged / helped in equal measure.


Resolved – That the Summary of Standards – Provisional Outcomes for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 August 2017 as appended to the report be noted.

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