Agenda item

Motion - Reducing Single Use Plastic in Wirral


Proposed by Councillor Pat Cleary

Seconded by Councillor Adam Sykes


Council notes that, in the UK, some 2.2 million tonnes of plastic packaging is consumed annually. Only 40% of this is recycled domestically1. According to recent research, eight million tons of plastic waste ends up in the world’s oceans each year, endangering marine life and entering the food chain2. In addition, there is a growing understanding of the risks posed to human health by toxic chemicals present in plastics.


Council also notes that following the introduction of the 5p bag charge in England in 2015, the use of single-use plastic bags dropped by 83% in the first six months.


Council believes that the reduction of single-use plastic would benefit health in Wirral and reduce waste. Council therefore requests the Cabinet to:


1.  Develop a robust strategy to ensure Wirral Council phases out single-use plastics (SUP) in its activities within the next two years.

2.  Work with partners and other large institutions e.g. the NHS to encourage them in developing similar strategies to reduce SUP.

3.  Inform the public of Wirral of the reasons for phasing out SUP and encourage them to switch to alternatives.



1. Wrap. Plastics Market Situation Report, Spring 2016, p9

2. Science. Plastic Waste Inputs from Land into the Oceans. Feb 13, 2015.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Phill Brightmore

Seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart


Add the following:


Council also agrees to:


1.  Incorporate the reduction of SUP use into Wirral Council's Waste Minimisation Strategy (regarding entire Borough, not just WBC).


2.  Refer all of the recommendations in this motion to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a view to advising Cabinet how they can most effectively be delivered.


3.  Ask the Cabinet Member for Environment to write to the Conservative Minister for Environment, requesting that the reduction of SUP form part of any future national Waste Management Strategy.


Following a debate and Councillor Pat Cleary having waived his right of reply, the amendment was put and carried (55:0) (One abstention).


The substantive motion, as amended was then put and carried (55:0) (One abstention).


Resolved (55:0) (One abstention) -


Council notes that, in the UK, some 2.2 million tonnes of plastic packaging is consumed annually. Only 40% of this is recycled domestically. According to recent research, eight million tons of plastic waste ends up in the world’s oceans each year, endangering marine life and entering the food chain. In addition, there is a growing understanding of the risks posed to human health by toxic chemicals present in plastics.


Council also notes that following the introduction of the 5p bag charge in England in 2015, the use of single-use plastic bags dropped by 83% in the first six months.


Council believes that the reduction of single-use plastic would benefit health in Wirral and reduce waste. Council therefore requests the Cabinet to:


1.  Develop a robust strategy to ensure Wirral Council phases out single-use plastics (SUP) in its activities within the next two years.


2.  Work with partners and other large institutions e.g. the NHS to encourage them in developing similar strategies to reduce SUP.


3.  Inform the public of Wirral of the reasons for phasing out SUP and encourage them to switch to alternatives.


Council also agrees to:


4.  Incorporate the reduction of SUP use into Wirral Council's Waste Minimisation Strategy (regarding entire Borough, not just WBC).


5.  Refer all of the recommendations in this motion to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a view to advising Cabinet how they can most effectively be delivered.


6.  Ask the Cabinet Member for Environment to write to the Conservative Minister for Environment, requesting that the reduction of SUP form part of any future national Waste Management Strategy.