Agenda item

Local Policing Initiatives - presentation

Presentation from Katie Wilkinson (Merseyside Police) about local initiatives promoting Community Cohesion in The Woodlands.



Katie Wilkinson introduced herself to the meeting as the local policing sergeant.  The objectives of the local policing team were reported as being to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), address issues of drug and alcohol abuse, tackle youth related ASB and unreported hate crime, and assist in bringing together the number of communities in the locality who had little interaction with each other.


With regard to drug and alcohol abuse, work in Birkenhead town centre sought to address street drinking, and work with the Council on a community impact assessment approach sought to prevent additional licensed premises opening in areas of concern.  To address drug dealing, reports from the local community were needed; it was acknowledged that people should not have to walk past these activities, but the police needed information if they were to address dealing.  Regarding youth and ASB issues, the area around Woodlands Primary School where different communities lived alongside each other was being addressed.  Relationships in school appeared fine, but different messages came forward out of school, possibly due to peer pressure.


The police, with partner agencies, sought to manage offenders responsible for ASB and hate crimes.  As police awareness of unreported hate crime had grown, representatives of different communities had been brought together to try and solve the issue.  Work was also being undertaken with registered social landlords to identify housing related issues.  The Committee was reminded that the police service provided policing by consent, in that if crime was reported it could be addressed but that if the police were not informed it could not.  Comment was made that improved community cohesion led to improved standards of living, and the work of the Deen Centre to break down barriers was noted.


Forthcoming activities included those geared towards making the Woodlands Park an area where all felt ownership, Stop Hate UK working in the area to explain why hate crime needed to be reported, and a variety of community activities and school visits.


A member of the public supported comments made in the presentation but, in referring to instances of ASB in other areas, expressed the opinion that local and community policing was vital but lacking.  It was acknowledged that the community team had reduced following reductions in police and support staff numbers due to funding, but the point that the police needed to be made aware of issues to address hotspots was re-iterated.


A Member asked about action being taken to reduce rough sleeping.  In response, it was advised that the police were working with other agencies to address issues linked to homelessness, but that issues such as drugs, alcohol and mental health, factors in many but not all instances, needed to addressed making this a complex area.


A member of the public noted and supported the police efforts in trying to bring communities together and referred to other activities by other groups in this regard.


The Chair and the Committee thanked Sgt Wilkinson for her presentation to the meeting.




That Sgt Wilkinson be thanked for her presentation to the meeting and the work of local policing team be supported.