Agenda item

Presentation from the HIVE

Presentation – 20 minutes will be allocated for this item / discussion.


The Chair invited Mr Stuart Barnes, HIVE – Wirral Youth Zone General Manager and Tony Lewis, Chief Executive Barnet Youth Zone (OnSide) to deliver their joint presentation.


Mr Barnes informed that the establishment of the HIVE – Wirral Zone had demonstrated a significant investment in Young People, and that the state of the art building had been open less than a year. He explained that the HIVE concept was founded in 2008, replicating the successful model of Bolton Lads & Girls Club in disadvantaged areas of the UK. He added that Wirral was the 8th Youth Zone to be established in the OnSide network and had a target of 20 live projects by 2020, aiming for 100 projects by 2030.


Mr Tony Lewis, Chief Executive Barnet Youth Zone informed that he had been seconded to the Wirral project for a period of 6 months to observe and engage in what was OnSide charity’s flagship project. He added that the charity supported existing Youth Zones in operating effectively, as well as introducing new Youth Zones to towns and cities across the country.


The presentation informed that Wirral Youth Zone provided 46 hours per week of open access, covering 7 days a week, delivering 20 activities per night. Supported by staff and other organisations such as an employment and enterprise team, the Wirral Youth Zone provided a safe, quality and inspirational environment for young people at a cost of 50p per visit with a one off annual joining fee of £5.


Members noted that the HIVE opening hours were currently 4:00pm to 10:00pm every day, with additional ‘Holiday Club’ access during school holidays (8:00am to 6:00pm) at a cost of £10.


Mr Barnes and Mr Lewis further informed that the Wirral Youth Zone had a growing membership of 7,000 young people with 80,000 visits and had created 75 jobs, full-time & sessional, recruiting over 100 volunteers since its inception.


The Committee noted that outreach work was ongoing to encourage young people from across the borough to join the HIVE, it being a facility for all Wirral youth not just those living in close proximity to its Birkenhead location. Mr Lewis provided additional information regarding the outreach work and detailed how attendance at the HIVE had been recorded and attendance statistics for the Wirral West Constituency were as follows: 






Greasby, Frankby & Irby




Hoylake & Meols




Pensby & Thingwall








West Kirby & Thurstaston









He informed that work continued to encourage young people to try out the facilities, by engaging schools, parents and working with local transport companies to allay fears and make it as easy as possible to access the HIVE.


Members of the Committee questioned Mr Barnes and Mr Lewis on a number of matters, particularly regarding outreach work, accessibility of transport and affordability for locations some distance from the Hive, and work to encourage ongoing visits / membership for those affected.


Questions were asked regarding safety and management of behaviour. Members were informed of the measures in place, and were informed that the HIVE concept and working practices meant that the HIVE had been remarkably successful in delivering a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment for young people. 


The Chair thanked Mr Barnes and Mr Lewis for their presentation.


Resolved – That the presentation be noted.

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