Agenda item

Notice - Car Parking Charges and Supporting Local Commerce


Councillor Stuart Kelly moved and Councillor Alan Brighouse seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) –


“This Council is concerned that the retail offer in Wirral’s main retailing centres, with the range and variety of businesses,needs to be better placed to withstand the impact of online retailing and the challenges facing well know multiple chains.


Council recognises that the warning signs, evidenced in the 2014 review of charges, are becoming yet more relevant.


Council notes that the September 2014 Scrutiny Review into car parking charges at shopping centres

( considered that car parking charges should follow the following Policy Objectives:-


·  P01 To support the long-term economic viability of the Borough's shopping and commercial centres.


·  P02 To ensure that the price for car parking is fair and not detrimental to the economic well-being of shopping and commercial centres.


Council considers these objectives are not being met and that car parking charges are now used as a ‘cash cow’ to augment Council income rather than to aid local business and support centre viability.


Council notes that car parking charges make a ‘profit’ of in access of £800,000.


Council therefore requests Cabinet to instruct officers to work with retail organisations to develop a scheme of car parking charges that meets these objectives first identified in 2014.


The new scheme should include an offer of a refund of £1 on a ticket where validation by participating retailers of spend of £5 or more has taken place in the shopping retail centres of Birkenhead, Liscard, Heswall and West Kirby”.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham moved and Councillor Warren Ward seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9) such that the Motion be approved subject to -


The deletion ofparagraphs 1 and 2 and the deletion of all after bullet point 2 ending “economic well-being of shopping and commercial centres”, and the insertion of - 


“Council notes that standard rate parking charges in Liverpool One range from £2.50 to £17.00.


Council notes that here in Wirral our parking charges are reasonable and consistent with neighbouring authorities.


Council notes that many of the car parking spaces in both Birkenhead and Liscard, our major retail areas are under the ownership of the shopping centre operators.


Council notes that in partnership with local businesses in Heswall, a shopper’s discount scheme is already in operation there.


Council would welcome the opportunity to work with the business community in other district centres to roll out the initiative further.


Council welcomes the formation of The Wirral Growth Company which will unlock the potential of Wirral and increase the attractiveness of our retail and commercial offer”.


Following a debate conducted in accordance with Standing Order 12, the amendment was put and was carried (31:19) (One abstention).


The Motion, as amended, was put and carried.  It was


RESOLVED (31:19) (One abstention)


That Council notes that the September 2014 Scrutiny Review into car parking charges at shopping centres

( considered that car parking charges should follow the following Policy Objectives:-


·  P01 To support the long-term economic viability of the Borough's shopping and commercial centres.


·  P02 To ensure that the price for car parking is fair and not detrimental to the economic well-being of shopping and commercial centres.


Council notes that standard rate parking charges in Liverpool One range from £2.50 to £17.00.


Council notes that here in Wirral our parking charges are reasonable and consistent with neighbouring authorities.


Council notes that many of the car parking spaces in both Birkenhead and Liscard, our major retail areas are under the ownership of the shopping centre operators.


Council notes that in partnership with local businesses in Heswall, a shopper’s discount scheme is already in operation there.


Council would welcome the opportunity to work with the business community in other district centres to roll out the initiative further.


Council welcomes the formation of The Wirral Growth Company which will unlock the potential of Wirral and increase the attractiveness of our retail and commercial offer.