Agenda item

Community Question Time

1 hour will be allocated for this item / discussion.


Prior to the taking of questions from members of the public in attendance, the Chair requested a short update from the David Armstrong, Deputy Chief Executive on two matters that had been brought to the attention of the Committee at its previous meeting:


Traffic Restrictions on Road/Rail Bridge at Bridge Road, West Kirby.

David Armstrong, Assistant Chief Executive informed the meeting that discussions had taken place with Network Rail who had advised that such works were prioritised and undertaken based upon risk and available resources. Works were assessed nationally and grouped for action in yearly ‘bands’. Network Rail had advised that the Road/Rail Bridge at Bridge Road, West Kirby had been scheduled for the financial year 2020-21 and no funds had been currently committed to the project.


Members re-iterated their displeasure with regard to the bridge having been closed / restricted to traffic in one direction only for a period of over 2 years (initial closure was to have been 18 months), and that it would now be a minimum of 3 years before works would be undertaken (should funds be allocated). The Deputy Chief Executive was requested to place whatever pressure was possible onto Network Rail to prioritise and complete the project in the shortest time possible.


Bonfires on land in the vicinity of Heron Lane, Meols.

The Deputy Chief Executive informed the meeting that after the matter had been raised at the previous meeting of the Constituency Committee, officers from the Environment Agency had visited the site and the burning of prohibited rubbish had ceased. He was aware that bonfires had taken place that day, but a further visit had confirmed that the items burned were associated with a general site clear up, and were not for commercial gain.




Heron Road, Meols

Mr Barry James, Friends of Heron Road – Meols, informed the Committee of the issues regarding road safety on Heron Road, requesting again that the objectives of Phase 4 of the Improvement Scheme be implemented. He asked that should this not be possible, that a fixed speed camera be installed in the short term. He further informed the meeting that the Friends of Heron Road had written to the Police and Crime Commissioner, and as a result 2 Police Officers had attended with hand-held speed detector devices. He explained that this had obviously had an effect on driver behaviour, but was obviously not a long-term solution. He added that a letter from Mr David Rees, Road Safety Manager had dismissed resident’s claims for a speed camera stating that this was an item of last resort for locations with a poor safety history. Mr James challenged this statement informing the Committee that Heron Road had experienced 7 road closures in 2017, and 3 to date in 2018. He asked what more would demonstrate such a record other than serious or fatal injuries, which is something the residents and friends group were campaigning to help avoid. Mr James requested that David Rees, Road Safety Manager be asked to attend the next meeting of the Committee to further explain why no actions were being taken to make Heron Road safer.


A Member of the Committee, and the Chair agreed with Mr James, stating their concerns that minor incidents may not be reported and questioning why such road closures hadn’t warranted further appraisal of the location. Cllr Whittingham, Cabinet Member Highways and Transport explained that the placement of speed cameras was based on National criteria, and was not solely a Council decision. In response to a comment from a member of the public he added that revenue from fines did not go to the Council, but were fed into Police budgets to support their work in delivering crime prevention and enforcement.


A member of the public commented on the Council’s strategy of lending money to other Local Authorities, and asked why this money could not be used for projects such as road safety improvements in Heron Road.


David Armstrong, Assistant Chief Executive explained that the Council had two budgets – Revenue and Capital. Revenue budgets covered the day to day running of Council services. Capital Budgets however, used for big schemes, were ‘committed’ funds. He explained that these funds could be utilised in the short term for generating income until they were required – either through staged release or on final completion of projects. As a result the Council had generated income in the region of £300 thousand per annum that would be used to support the delivery of services.


In response to the request that the Road Safety Manager (RSM) attend the next meeting to Mr Armstrong informed that the RSM was not the decision maker in respect of the locating of speed cameras, and that the police had dismissed the location as being unsuitable by virtue of the road bends, and no sites available along the route to locate a camera van. He added that volunteers monitoring vehicle speeds would most likely have a low impact on  driver behaviour, and that when Police Officers had been deployed little or no excessive speeding had been recorded (as referred to above). 


With the agreement of the Committee, the Chair instructed that the Road Safety Officer be asked to attend the next meeting of the Constituency Committee.


Heron Road, Meols

Mr Ken Roberts thanked Members for their support and efforts to stop the illegal burning of rubbish at the market garden site near to Heron Road.


Mr Roberts circulated a paper that informed of the problems faced by residents of Heron Road arising from the current volume of traffic. The paper included a number of suggestions from residents to help alleviate the issues at relatively low cost to the Council, these included:


  • Resurfacing the road with smoother grade of tarmac, reducing tyre noise / interference emissions;
  • Resetting and supporting of a displaced manhole cover to the correct level – currently significant noise emitted when struck by passing vehicles;
  • Advise the mapping sections of SatNav companies that Heron Road is not suitable route for heavy vehicles and HGVs be forbidden access; and
  • Provision of a speed camera and/or speed bumps to ensure traffic speeds and possibility of serious accident be significantly reduced.


The Chair thanked Mr Roberts for the information and instructed that the document be referred to the relevant Council Officers. 


Healthy Eating / Public Health / Road Markings

Ms Angela Green asked why the Council was not taking the lead in respect of healthy eating and tackling obesity. Ms Green pointed out that the Council’s leisure facilities contained numerous vending machines containing sweets, carbonated drinks and bottled water, but no access to fresh fruit or drinking fountains.


Ms Green further informed the Committee that in response to a request for yellow line markings at the junction of Church Road / Mount Road, Upton, it appeared that only some of the lines requested had been installed, and requested that this be investigated.


Ms Green also questioned the Committee on the subject of press reports regarding the closure of Woodchurch Leisure Centre and re-designation as an aquatic centre.


Ward Members responded on the subject of Woodchurch Leisure Centre advising that the matter was being monitored, and challenged by the Ward Councillors.


The Cabinet Member Environment informed that he had not seen the press reports, but consultation was underway with staff at Woodchurch Leisure Centre to gather ideas about its best use, and services that could be provided at the Centre. 


The Chair informed that the matter regarding Yellow Line markings would be taken up with officers and reported to the next meeting of the Constituency Committee. 


Golf Resort

A resident of Hoylake questioned the Committee as to due diligence, and entering into a contract with a Joint Venture Capitalist with a questionable track record and no money, whose business plan was dependent on the Council lending money to the developer to advance the project.


A number of Members responded, expressing personal views and provided information regarding past and future public meetings.


The Chair informed that it would be helpful if the Assistant Director Major Growth Projects and Housing Delivery could attend the next meeting of the Constituency Committee to respond to the points raised.


Golf Resort – Order of Project Delivery

Rod Tann, Chair Wirral Society questioned David Armstrong, Deputy Chief Executive regarding his statement at the previous meeting of the Constituency Committee that the layout of the Golf Course earthworks would take place before the building of houses.


Mr Armstrong confirmed that this was to be the case, dependent upon the environmental impact assessment and outcome of review of the application by the Planning Committee.


On Street Parking Charges

Mr Nick Lester, a resident of Meols, questioned the decision to introduce parking charges on the promenade in the vicinity of Great Meols Primary School. He informed the meeting that much work had been undertaken by the school to help alleviate congestion at the school gates by encouraging parents to park on or near the promenade and walk their children into school. He added that should the proposal be enacted, the congestion issues would re-appear overnight. He stated that it was his belief that the Council had a statutory duty to relieve congestion, not to cause it, and asked what (if any) surveys had been undertaken in advance of the planned introduction of on-street charges, and whether the Council was acting beyond its legal powers.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member Highways and Transport responded, stating that consultation was still underway and the school’s views were wanted and needed to help inform the decision. He pointed out that any revenue collected as a result of the charged on-street parking scheme could not be allocated for general fund use, but must be used on road/traffic or highway projects.


The Chair confirmed that it would be illegal if the Council did take money from the scheme to fund other areas of the Council’s business. 


Councillor David Elderton commented that similar objections to the charged on-street parking scheme would directly impact on residents of West Kirby where streets located between the promenade and Banks Road currently faced problems with limited spaces for parking, forcing residents to park their vehicles on the promenade. Introduction of the charge would effectively place an additional financial burden on those residents who would have no alternative options available to them.


China Farm Lane – Speed Restrictions

Ms Elaine Craggs raised an issue regarding the speed limit that currently existed on China Farm Lane, Newton. She informed the meeting that although a 30mph speed restriction existed on the lane, the signs were very small and it would only be a matter of time before a fatality occurred. A collision had recently taken place between a vehicle and horse and rider. She added that the lane was a popular area for horse riding, given that there were a surprisingly large number of stables located in its vicinity and requested that larger signs be put in place. 


Golf Resort

Mr Phil Simpson, Chair Stop the Hoylake Golf Course Group, and Defend the Green Belt Group addressed the Constituency Committee and asked that given the Council freeze on non-essential spending had been announced, would the spending on Hoylake Golf Resort also be frozen? Mr Simpson informed those present that a loan of £26million to a Joint Venture Group to progress the scheme would be flawed (particularly given the partners history) and that the proposed arrangement was against Labour Party National Policy. He further informed the meeting that 1,940 letters on the subject of Hoylake Golf Resort had been sent to all 4 Wirral MPs and he asked that all 4 MPs be invited to attend meetings on the subject.


The Chair invited David Armstrong, Deputy Chief Executive to respond to the point Mr Simpson raised regarding Council funding for the project.


The Deputy Chief Executive explained that the ‘freeze’ on spending had not been a Member decision, but that of the Council’s Section 151 Officer and had been introduced purely to ensure that she was satisfied that Officers were following the correct procedures and making legal decisions in terms of the day to day expenditure and staffing costs. He added that the ‘freeze’ did not apply to Capital Programme Projects, which had received prior consent of Cabinet and/or Council and were committed in the Council Budget. He explained that rather than a ‘freeze’ it was considered to be a spending check, in advance of the Council’s need to find £40million in the next financial year. 


Golf Resort

A resident of West Kirby questioned Members about why none of the proposed environmental studies, due to take place in February this year, had been started. He informed Members that it had been reported that one of the Joint Venture Directors had resigned. He asked if Members were aware of this, and requested an update on the issues.


The Chair explained that he was not aware of this matter, and suggested that the Assistant Director Major Growth Projects and Housing Delivery responsible for due diligence in this matter be requested to attend the next meeting of the Constituency Committee to answer questions on the project.


The Chair thanked all speakers, members of the public, Officers and Elected Members for their attendance.


In summary the Chair instructed that David Ball, Assistant Director Major Growth Projects and Housing Delivery; and David Rees, Road Safety Manager both be invited to attend the next meeting of the Wirral West Constituency Committee to provide answers to the outstanding concerns highlighted during Community Question Time.



Additional notes:


A number of questions had been submitted in advance of the meeting. The questions and written responses are appended to these minutes.


A letter from the Assistant Director Major Growth Projects and Housing Delivery detailing additional information relating to the Proposed Golf Course Development at Hoylake was also circulated to Members of the Wirral West Constituency Committee. A copy of the letter is also appended to these minutes.

Supporting documents: