Agenda item

2017/18 Quarter 4 and Year End Wirral Plan and Health and Care Performance


The Director for Health and Care introduced his report providing -

·  the 2017/18 Quarter 4 (January - March 2018) performance report for the Wirral Plan pledges under the remit of the Committee, presenting a description of progress in Quarter 4 and available data in relation to outcome indicators and supporting measures;

·  the Wirral Plan – People (Adult Care and Health) 2017-18 Year End Report summarising improvement of performance against measures and Wirral Plan delivery of Pledge strategy actions at year end; and

·  the Adult Social Care and Health Performance Overview, submitted at the request of the Committee to enable effective scrutiny and presenting key performance across health and social care.


Further to the submitted report, the Director drew attention to and commented on matters addressed in the performance summary –

·  the reported improvements in performance with regard to the percentage of Wirral residents aged over 50 in employment and the ‘Employment rate aged 16-64 - Equality Act core or Work Limiting Disabled’ measure were noted.  The Committee was advised that work continued to improve the latter measure which fell short of national and North West averages.  Employment was noted as a key issue for health and wellbeing as people in employment were less likely to be poverty;

·  The success of the Wirral Metropolitan College's Supported Internship Programme was noted, and the important links with the College were acknowledged;

·  The slight decrease in the percentage of adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation was noted and, while ahead of the national average, the Committee was advised that more work was to be done on this area; and

·  The summary statements relating to domestic abuse issues and the Age Friendly Pilot were noted to the Committee.


The Director responded to queries from Members on matters contained within the submitted performance reports.  Relating to the ‘Older people live well’ Pledge and issues raised by Councillor Christina Muspratt, the Director noted that information relating to the proportion of residents aged 50+ volunteering on a regular basis arose from a survey and acknowledged that some people surveyed may not regard activities they undertook as ‘volunteering’.  With regard to the small percentage increase in the Proportion of residents aged 50+ satisfied with housing choice in their local area, it was advised that the Council was engaged in development of extra care housing schemes that may impact on this issue.  Comment was also made that the reported declining performance against the measures for people aged 50+ years who felt safe when out in the dark and for reporting as feeling healthy might be related to the severe weather conditions when surveyed in December.  The Director noted comments related to health, acknowledging the need for focus on this area.


Relating to the ‘People with disabilities live independent lives’ Pledge and indicators, the Director acknowledged the decline in performance with regard to the ‘gap in progress between pupils with a SEN statement / EHCP and their peers at Key Stage 4’ measure was significant, and that work would be undertaken with Children’s Services to address issues.  Councillor Phil Gilchrist, in referring to the overview to this section, considered that the reference ‘if’ referring to progression of Extra Care housing should be reflected as ‘as and when’, as this provision was a key part of the strategy.


Relating to the ‘Zero tolerance to domestic violence’ Pledge, Councillor Moira McLaughlin sought clarification of why the number of cases referred to MARAC was considered an improvement; what was the effect of the Family Support Unit; and number of children being assessed through domestic abuse reasons, and how the figures correlated.  The Director noted that No Zero Tolerance campaign had raised awareness of the issue, and so some indicators would have seen growth as a result.  With regard to the specific queries, a response would be forwarded.


With regard to the reported performance in the Annual Report related to Delayed Transfer of Care, Councillor Wendy Clements noted the graph showing a real improvement, but the projection suggesting a worsening position going forward.  The Director, while noting the submitted graph, advised of the expectation that the good progress would continue.


Councillor Tony Norbury reminded the Committee of a previous agreement for a trade union representative to attend the Committee to provide a different perspective on the integrated commissioning system.  The Chair confirmed this would be considered in September.




That the report be noted.

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