Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from Neighbour hood Inspector, Georgina Minnery


PSCO Phil Roberts attended the meeting on behalf of Georgina Minnery, Neighbourhood Inspector.


PSCO Roberts addressed the Committee and informed Members  that overall crime figures have increased from last year from 31% - 45% and that ASB figures had decreased by 1%. It was explained that the increase is partly due to the requirement to now record certain incidents as crimes that had not been a requirement previously. He assured Members that figures still remain low in comparison to other areas across Wirral. Members heard how Merseyside Police are actively working alongside other agencies in order to bring crime levels down. Members heard how burglaries had been a particular issue right across the Merseyside Police Force area.


PSCO then responded to questions by members


Questions and Answers

Councillor Muspratt queried the effectiveness of the new task force that had been established specifically to tackle burglaries.


PSCO Roberts informed Members that this had proven thus far successful and that some arrests had been achieved as a result. He explained that social media had been utilised in order to get messages across about preventative measures. He then informed that the Police force are actively looking and targeting individuals involved and have joined up with other agencies in order to achieve this.


Councillor Sykes acknowledged that ASB had gone down but queried as to whether incidents of ASB are moving across the Wirral?


In response, Members heard that dispersal zones had been well received by the public and promoted by the local press and social media and had been a good tool in order to manager where youths are congregating. PSCO Roberts appealed for Councillors and members of the public to inform the Police of any incidents so that a plan can be put in place. He informed the Committee that plans had been put in place as a means to combat any ASB as far as mischief night and Halloween.


Mark Craig, Community Representative reported that there had been a number of incidents of speeding down the New Chester Road as a result of the implementation of average speed cameras down the New Ferry Bypass. He asked what could be done to combat this.


PSCO Roberts advised the Committee of his plans to utilise a mobile speed camera device in the area mentioned and to measure average speeds. He informed the Committee that there is a mobile police station in New Ferry every 3 weeks.


Councillor L Rowlands queried as to when the new Community Police Station would open


PSCO Roberts advised that he did not have a set date yet but advised that it would be available a couple of hours per day within Heswall Library and would report further when he had the information.


In response to this response, Councillor Cottier requested that a similar exercise be conducted in Bebington and was informed that this could be looked into.


Councillor J Williams enquired as to whether the speed camera on Mount Road was working.


Councillor Williams was informed that this could be answered by the Council’s Road Safety Manager.


In addition to questions and answers some comments and information was provided by Members and Community Reps as follows:


Mark Craig informed the Committee that he had been constructive in helping to provide £2, 500 funding for a football programme due to be held in the Oval Leisure Centre, aimed at youths in order to further tackle incidents of ASB. In response to this PSCO Roberts informed about a further football programme involving Coaches from big clubs.


Ray Squires, Community Rep, expressed his gratitude to Community Police Officers and praised their hard work.