Agenda item

Better Care Fund Update


Jacqui Evans, AD for Unplanned Care & Community Care submitted a report that provided Members with an update on progress and developments with regard to BCF.


The report provided feedback from the regional team regarding the Wirral plan that summarised; “BCF 2017/19 plan stood out to assurers for its integrated governance and approach, demonstrating that all programmes and plans influencing urgent / out of hospital care aligned and that BCF was not a stand-alone initiative. Performance monitoring of the BCF is fully embedded in the Winter and System Sustainability Plan. The area have several new schemes and approaches including a whole system capacity demand model which has recently been featured at a regional event and will be rolled out with some North HWBs via regional support funds. They have recently redesigned 3 pathways under transfer to assess principles which they feel is impacting positively. Further details and case studies being captured.”


The 2 year BCF plan was attached in appendix 1 to the report and outlined the 17/19 priorities and funding allocation changes for 18/19.  Appendices to the report were also provided for the Performance Overview 17/18, Month 2 18/19 performance summary, Month 2 18/19 performance summary, DTOC targets, 18/19 revised scheme funding, Proposed winter funding allocation,

High impact change model, Capacity and demand model and the Unplanned system plan.


With reference to the financial summary Jacqui Evans highlighted that the total funds contributed to the BCF pool in 17/18 amounted to £52.2 million.  The underspend projection of £850,604 was shared on a 50/50 basis as per the risk share agreement within the S75 document.


Jacqui Evans also outlined the next steps which covered the aim to revise plans in accordance with awaited guidance, Monitor performance and deliver against action plan and to continue to report quarterly against progress to NHSE.


Resolved – That;


1.  Jacqui Evans be thanked for the BCF update.


2.  the progress and next steps be noted.


3.  further updates on progress be included in future meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Supporting documents: