Agenda item



Councillor Phil Davies moved and Councillor Stuart Whittingham seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –


“This Council:


·  Notes that 2018 is the twenty-third anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which saw over 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Serbian nationalist forces.


·  Notes that in 2009 the European Parliament passed a resolution that 11 July should be recognised as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide all over the EU; and in 2015 urged the development of educational and cultural programmes that promote an understanding of the causes of such atrocities and raise awareness about the need to nurture peace and to promote human rights and interreligious tolerance. All UK political parties have supported the work of Remembering Srebrenica in this regard. 


·  Applauds the work of those involved in the pursuit of justice for the victims and their surviving relatives, including the International Commission of Missing People (ICMP) and the Mothers of Srebrenica, whose courage and humility in the face of unthinkable horror is an inspiration to us all.


·  Commends the work of the charity, Remembering Srebrenica, in raising awareness of this tragic and preventable genocide and working in communities across Britain to help them learn the lessons of Srebrenica.


The Council resolves to:


·  Support Srebrenica memorial events in July each year throughout Wirral as part of the UK-wide Remembering Srebrenica Memorial Week.


·  Support the work of Remembering Srebrenica in communities across Wirral to learn the lessons from Srebrenica to tackle hatred and intolerance to help build a better, safer and more cohesive society for everyone.


·  Support the work of schools and education providers to bring the lessons of Srebrenica to young people across Wirral”.


Councillor Wendy Clements moved and Councillor Paul Hayes seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(9) such that the motion be approved subject to the insertion after the final bullet point of a further bullet point followed by the words


“Thanks Wirral’s Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE) and their colleagues for the work to mark Holocaust Memorial Day which includes the genocide in Srebrenica”.


Having applied the guillotine the Council did not debate this matter.


The mover of the motion accepted the amendment which was then put and carried (61:0).


The Motion, as amended, was put and carried.


Resolved (61:0) –


This Council:


·  Notes that 2018 is the twenty-third anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which saw over 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Serbian nationalist forces.


·  Notes that in 2009 the European Parliament passed a resolution that 11 July should be recognised as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide all over the EU; and in 2015 urged the development of educational and cultural programmes that promote an understanding of the causes of such atrocities and raise awareness about the need to nurture peace and to promote human rights and interreligious tolerance. All UK political parties have supported the work of Remembering Srebrenica in this regard. 


·  Applauds the work of those involved in the pursuit of justice for the victims and their surviving relatives, including the International Commission of Missing People (ICMP) and the Mothers of Srebrenica, whose courage and humility in the face of unthinkable horror is an inspiration to us all.


·  Commends the work of the charity, Remembering Srebrenica, in raising awareness of this tragic and preventable genocide and working in communities across Britain to help them learn the lessons of Srebrenica.


The Council resolves to:


·  Support Srebrenica memorial events in July each year throughout Wirral as part of the UK-wide Remembering Srebrenica Memorial Week.


·  Support the work of Remembering Srebrenica in communities across Wirral to learn the lessons from Srebrenica to tackle hatred and intolerance to help build a better, safer and more cohesive society for everyone.


·  Support the work of schools and education providers to bring the lessons of Srebrenica to young people across Wirral”.


·  Thanks Wirral’s Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE) and their colleagues for the work to mark Holocaust Memorial Day which includes the genocide in Srebrenica.