Agenda item

Adoption of Port Sunlight Village Conservation Management Plan (CMP)

This item was deferred from the last Committee and Members were asked to retain copies of the appendices to this item. Copies will be published online but will not be included in this paper copy agenda



Councillor G Davies declared a prejudicial interest in respect of this item by virtue of him being the responsible portfolio holder for the matter and having been named within the report.


A report by the Corporate Director for Economic and Housing Growth informed Members of the public consultation results relating to the adoption of Port Sunlight Village Conservation Management Plan ( CMP).


Members were advised how Council Officers are keen to pursue opportunities for improved recognition of and protection for the Conservation Area. It was explained that a CMP is a document that explains why a place is significant and how the significance can be sustained in any new use, alteration, repair or management.


Members heard how Wirral Council has a total of 26 Conservation Areas and that the Port Sunlight Village Conservation Area was last reviewed in 2007 by an external company – Byrom Clark Roberts. Following this appraisal Port Sunlight Village Trust (PSVT); a charitable trust who help to maintain, repair and manage the heritage assets within the conservation area.


It was identified within the report that the Port Sunlight CMP covers the whole Conservation Area and at its most basic, a CMP described: Its history, evaluates its significance, asses its condition, draws up policy , identifies the risks and sets out actions for its heritage; why it matters and to whom; what is happening to it; and what are the key issues the public need to be aware of to look after it.  A brief overview of each were described within the report


Members heard how a formal public consultation exercise was conducted to solicit the views of a variety of stakeholders including: local residents, businesses, trustees, schools, utilities, politicians and community groups. It was reported that a total number of 19 responses were received from different stakeholders. The full responses to each were outlined in appendix 3 for members.


Resolved (12:0) That Members adopt the Port Sunlight Village CMP as a material consideration in development management decisions and to use it to manage the Port Sunlight Village Conservation Area.




Supporting documents: