Agenda item

Public Question Time


Prior to accepting questions from members of the public, the Chair invited Brian Jenkins, United Utilities, to discuss the major road works scheme in Hoylake Road, and to address any questions raised on the impact on the local community. 

Brian Jenkins explained that United Utilities are relaying the water main along Hoylake Road from Chadwick Street to Carr Lane.  A mobile information centre had been set up at the Sacred Heart site in May, Press releases have been issued, and there have been leaflet drops in the local area.  In the main, responses have been received from local businesses, with minimal interest shown by the general public.

The existing main, which was made from PVC, has broken down over time resulting in a number of leaks.  The work will progress in 100m stretches and at all stages will comply with traffic management arrangements agreed with Wirral Council.  Foam based concrete, which gives a smoother finish, will be used to infill the excavations.  The work is currently behind schedule due to engineering problems, but is scheduled for completion in three months’ time.  Regular updates will be given via the Area Service Co-ordinator and on United Utilities’ website.

Brian Jenkins responded to questions about the arrangements for traffic management at major road junctions, the role of the customer liaison staff working with local businesses, and the arrangements to leaflet households along the route as the work progresses.

Brian Jenkins explains that there are no current plans for work to reduce flooding in Reeds Lane/Reedsville Grove, but he would investigate the issue.

General questions from members of the public:

Q  I wish to bring your attention to the nuisance caused by the Plough Inn. There is a lot of noise caused by people who sit outside drinking, they are intimidating to people who are passing by, the area at the side of the pub is a mess with abandoned furniture etc. The area around the Plough Inn needs to be cleaned up, it is a disgrace and an eyesore in   Moreton.

A  [Cllr Blakeley] the premises are licensed for the consumption of alcohol outside the premises, but I will speak to the Council’s Licensing Section about nuisance being caused by patrons. The land is privately-owned, and whilst we can talk to the owners about cleaning it up, there is little the Council can do unless it is a harbour for rats and vermin.

[Police] No complaints have been received from local residents about problems caused by patrons who drink outside the Plough.  However, the matter will be investigated.

Q  Is Birkenhead Town Hall definitely for sale?

A  [Cllr. Abbey]  The use of Birkenhead Town Hall has changed over the years. It used to be the focal point for Council meetings for the old Birkenhead County   Borough Council.  When local government was re-organised in 1974, the Council Chamber for Wirral Council was relocated to Wallasey Town Hall.  The building was included in the Strategic Assets Report, which has just been published.

Q  [Bob Seddon] We have representation on this area forum from various Council Departments, but there is no representation from the Education Department. I suggest that Education needs to be represented

A  [Area Service Co-ordinator]: We do not have representation from all Council Departments.  If a specific issue is raised we would normally invite a representative from the relevant Department to attend and address the issue, or the matter would be passed to the appropriate Council Officer for action and/or response. Based on previous experience, it is unlikely that sufficient issues would be raised on education to justify representation on the Area Forum on a regular basis.

[Cllr. Abbey]  Council Officers are called in on an ad hoc basis to address particular issues.  Most questions are about Street Scene etc.

Q  I understand recycling bins have been allocated to some blocks of flats.   Can you give an update?

A  [Brian Smith, Technical Services] A pilot scheme for multi-occupancy dwellings has been operating in difficult locations. If you can let me have your contact   details I will give you an update on the particular properties you are interested in.