Agenda item

Partner Update


Partner Updates


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.


Sarah Patterson drew attention to the comprehensive report on pages 13-15 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report.  She highlighted the availability of free Home Fire Safety checks and a commitment to risk assess every home on Merseyside. [FREEphone 0900 731 5958 for Free Home Fire Safety Check, with free smoke alarm installation if required].


Wallasey Community Fire Station are holding an Open Day on 20 June from noon to 4 pm.  Any voluntary donations received on the day will be given to Claire House.  Everyone will be welcome.


Sarah responded to comments about the community facilities at Upton Fire Station as follows:


·  The gym facilities are not to the standard available at other fire station due to space restrictions at Upton Fire Station.

·  Comments or complaints about the Wirral Heartbeat equipment should be referred to the Heartbeat Manager.

·  The facilities, including the community room and the community garden, are available for use by the community at any time. 


Community Safety Team 


A report on the activities of the Community Safety Team was given on pages 15/20 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report.


Jim Thompson gave a statistical analysis of crime in Wirral, emphasising that Wirral is a very safe place to live, and is becoming safer.  The emphasis for the next twelve months will be on addressing antisocial behaviour, dealing with violent crime, particularly domestic violence, hate crime, political offenders and crime hot spots including Birkenhead Town Centre, whilst at the same time ensuring value for money. 


Mark Stevenson noted that the areas where the Youth Respect Team has operated excluded Woodchurch.  Inspector Griffiths replied that the resources had been placed in the areas where most incidents of anti-social behaviour had been reported.  It could be that residents of Woodchurch had not reported incidents.


Wirral University Hospital Trust


Pat Higgins highlighted the section of the report dealing with Controlling Infection.  Reducing the incidents of MRSA and Clostridium difficile is a very high priority for the Trust and figures released in April show a 60% reduction in case of Clostridium difficile in the last quarter of 2008 compared to the same period in 2007.  NHS Wirral has invested £1.6 million in a hyper-acute stroke centre.  The maternity unit was judged to be one of the ‘best performing’ in the country in the Health Commission’s review and ‘best in the region’ in a national survey of new mothers and mothers-to-be.  Work has just started on a £11 million scheme that will radically change the face of the maternity services building and create a centre of excellence bringing together under one roof all acute hospital services for women and children.


A member of the public stated that during a recent hospital visit, she had noticed that visitors could not access the hand sanitizer because a laundry trolley had been parked in front of it.


Equality and Diversity


Mark Stevenson commented that a representative from the Equality and Diversity Team was not present to answer questions.


The Chair gave a commitment to ensuring that a representative is present at the next area forum meeting.


Youth Service


A comprehensive Overview of Wirral Youth Services’ activities were included on pages 24/26 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report.  No questions were raised.




Following a successful pilot in Childwall, Liverpool, a Personal Travel Planning project to reduce car use is due to be implemented in Heswall, Pensby and Irby in 2009/10.


A suggestion was made that it would be useful to invite a representative from Merseytravel to a future meeting of the area forum.


Jo Burrell undertook to find out if there is a link person between Merseytravel and the Council with a view to inviting a representative from Merseytravel to the next meeting. 


NHS Wirral


Glen Coleman gave a verbal update on Swine Flu.  He explained that he has regular meetings with Mark Cambourne to talk about preparations for any potential pandemic.  He drew attention to the advice given on page 29 of the report about hygiene messages.  The UK is one of the most prepared nations and is in the best possible position to put plans into action.


A member of the public suggested that it would be more cost effective to vaccinate everyone in the country than to distribute leaflets and pay for advertisements.  Glen Coleman confirmed that plans are in place to ensure that antivirals are made available to the public very rapidly in the event of swine influenza being confirmed in the UK. 




Copies of the monthly neighbourhood newsletter for June were available at the meeting.  The newsletter can be accessed at - follow the links to Upton, Prenton and Greasby.  If preferred contact details can be given at Upton Police Station, and a paper copy will be delivered to the home address each month.


Reports from Community Representatives.


Ron Green reported that all residents in Greasby should have received a copy of the Summer 2009 edition of ‘Greasby Messenger’.  A Stop Press at the bottom of page 3 reinforces the message given by Inspector Griffiths this evening,that any apparent or actual criminal acts are reported immediately to Merseyside Police.  It is important to report every incident, every time it happens.  The Police have CCTV cameras that can be brought into an area for surveillance. 


This month’s edition provides an opportunity for everyone to have their say about future developments in Greasby and Frankby, through the GOAL questionnaire.  Everyone is invited to respond to the invitation and state what they would like to be done for young people and for the general community in Greasby.


Mark Stevenson quoted extracts from a newsletter sent to every household in Woodchurch, giving details of activities in the area.

Mark Stevenson stated that he had only received the Area Co-ordinator’s report on Friday last.  He would appreciate it if it could be distributed more in advance of meetings in future.


Minute decision: Resolved:  That partners, their representatives and community representatives be thanked for their written and verbal reports.


Resolved that:

(i)- A suggestion was made that it would be useful to invite a representative from Merseytravel to a future meeting of the area forum.


Jo Burrell undertook to find out if there is a link person between Merseytravel and the Council with a view to inviting a representative from Merseytravel to the next meeting.