Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

·  Streetscene Integrated Transport Block Funding

·  NHS Wirral

·  Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety

·  Fire Service

·  Older Peoples parliament




Merseyside Police/.Community Safety.

Inspector Kate Cunningham reported that crime in Heswall is low compared to other places on Wirral.  For the period April to May crime was down by 25%.  There were a couple of unpleasant burglaries in Heswall recently, and detailed investigation is going on into this.

One of the dedicated PCOs is at the back of the Hall, Alistair, and please talk to him if you wish.  Three more burglaries were committed than last year, but we have caught someone, who has admitted to some in Pensby, and he is now in custody.  If anyone would like their property marking, we will come and do so.  Surgeries are held regularly in Tesco and Aldi.

Anti-social behaviour figures show a decline 33% and 20% over the past two years.  In the summer months priority will be patrolling Whitfield Common, the Beacons and Dawstone Park.  We have meeting every two months with local people and our priorities are at the moment in Irby to reduce under-age drinking and in Ridgewood Park, Pensby, to monitor young people around the bus station, the Puddydale and Dawstone Park.  We want the young people to have a good time, but not to cause too much disturbance.  The Police are responding within ten minutes for 94% of the time to calls, and a little longer for less urgent cases.  Wirral as a whole is more satisfied with the services they get from the Police than the fifteen other areas in the country.  They are showing an improvement across the board, and our work is of a high standard.

Sandy Cameron said that the Police produce a very accurate web page, and Inspector Cunningham said there is a card if people wish to fill one in and receive the monthly report.

The Police have also been out with speed guns on Pensby Road and Fishers Lane, and it is a good thing.


Street Scene.

Phil Miner reported that there has been a major change with the day to day Partnership works.

The name of the company now carrying out all related works is COLAS.  They started in April, and so far it has shown a good improvement.


Wirral NHS

Russell Favager drew attention to Pages 26 to 29 of the Forum Papers, which show the main issues – National Carers Week and the link with your G.P. and the opening of a new All Day Health Centre ON THE Arrow Park site There is also a swine flu update included.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

Tony Mooney reported a comprehensive update in the Forum note.  He pointed out that, locally, they have been carrying out risk assessments, but there are some households that have not had full fire risk assessments.  If there are any buildings where we have noted work is needed, we leave a note.  With the better weather the danger of gorse etc. fires increases, and patrols are in place, and he asked the public to let them know if they have any information as to where youths are gathering.  They have dedicated members of staff to deal with the arson misfits.  He also reported that they do a great deal of work with the other emergency services, and in Wallasey on Saturday there will be a show of everyone – Police, Coastguards, Ambulance etc.


Community Safety.

Mike Collins reported that there are a number of diversionary issues going on across Wirral

Linking up with the Fire Service and other Agencies to keep the young people interested during the summer holidays.  The dog fouling argument which has been in the press recently, which is mostly centred on the waterfront, but also the Beacons and Whitfield Common.  Please let us know any other spots and we will look into it.  We will be linking up with the

Inspectors on the Community Patrol and will be working with the Police and their patrols to make sure everything is safe.  We are also training staff about litter enforcement in the area.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.

Gary Doherty said that he had information at the back with examples of where the hospital is being compared with to other hospitals, and that it has come out as one of the best in the country, and you will see that there is a great deal of building going on at Arrowe Park hospital.  Some further information is available at the end if you wish, and in the pack how you can become a Member of the Trust.


Older Peoples’ Parliament.

Sandy Cameron reported that this is of great benefit to older people on Wirral, and it does not cost anything to join.

Peter Scammell asked ‘what are you doing’?  Sandy Cameron replied that he looks after the interests of all the older people on Wirral by links with the older peoples’ clubs and associations, and keeping them up to date with changes in policies over transport, pensions etc. and bringing all the information together so that everyone is aware of what is going on.


Cllr. Rowlands pointed out that there is a large proportion of old people in the area, and it is not always possible to keep track of all the changes and advise them, and the work undertaken by the Older Peoples’ Parliament is of assistance when someone needs some help or advice.