Agenda item

Public Question Time


Mr. Keith Dawson who lives near the Church in Boundary Lane.  He wished to ask a question of the Police regarding the speed vehicles travel up and down the road.  It is very, very difficult if you are pushing a pram, and you are taking your life in your hands.  Alistair and Kim (CSOs) are aware of the problem, also the parking in the road.  A few parking tickets were given out, and this certainly helped, and it is hoped that word will get out that more tickets might be issued.  Inspector Cunningham stated that the CSOs have noticed the parking, and it might be a proposal to put double yellow lines.  The parking on the pavement is difficult, as sometimes people are causing an obstruction, and they can be given a ticket.

Liz Ashdown said that the same should apply to people parking on the grass verges.

Lady from Belmont Drive rang the Police Station (Heswall was closed) because there were so many cars parked it was dangerous for her to try and get out.  She was told to ring the Council as it was Street Scene’s responsibility.  Is there any way you can put a notice up that people must not park in a particular position?  Inspector Cunningham said that there is now only one none-urgent line to the Police, but she apologized and said that if you could not get out, they should have done something about it.

The same lady also stated that Downham Road South, up the hill, when collecting children from school and trying to get into Downham Road North.  She had spoken to a Community Police Officer, and was told, again, it was the Council.  Inspector Cunningham said the Council are responsible for the double yellow lines, and she is consulted.  She will visit and view the situation.

Phil Miner, Street Scene said there are Enforcement Officers who go round schools and they try to educate parents to walk to school.  Regulations have to be adhered to, and a list of places that need to have yellow lights is already quite excessive.  He said he will take the problem

back and report again.  Everyone here would know an area where they would like yellow lights.  The criteria mentioned should be in the public domain.  The guide lines are national, and the Council base on the statistics.

Douglas George stated that driving between May Road and Pensby Road it is often impossible to get through because of parked vehicles.  People park to go over to the cash point at Lloyds.

The other serious spot is in Pensby Road where people stop their car and go to Sayers for a lunch-time sandwich, or to the other cash point at HSBC.  Phil Miner said that this had been pointed out and highlighted, and they will try to do something about it in the future, but all these measures have to be approved by the Government.

It was also pointed out that many mothers have difficulty pushing their prams in safety because of the obstruction of overhanging hedges and trees.  Phil Miner said there is a team of officers who walk the area, and highlight any such problems.


Jonathan Birch reported that he keeps getting letters from the Lib-Dems about the failure of the super-market application in Pensby Road.  It is unsightly, but with the current financial position, is there nothing going on across Wirral to try and get more businesses coming to the Wirral?  Cllr. Rowlands said that these are private applications, but it is very difficult for the councillors to start handling private matters.  Jonathan asked whether conditions round Wirral were being created where the Council have buildings which are becoming derelict and need to be demolished?

Cllr. Johnson replied that in respect of the super market application, the Appeal may decide.

With regard to the state of buildings, they have to be in a derelict condition before the Council can step in. 

Cllr. Wilkins said, on a general point, the Council does have some interest and finance in the large shopping areas of the Borough, but none for small shopping parades.  There are many problems with those small shopping parades and there are also problems with environmental health conditions at the back of the shop and the pavements at the fronts.  It is very difficult to find out who owns many of these shops.  No-one wants to take responsibility, and there has been talk with the Re-generation people to try and get people to work to improve the shopping facilities for the benefit of everyone.  That particular application is the subject of an Appeal now.

Someone asked “is the Agent aware that the owner of the premises evicted the tenants?”


Communications – it was stated that the Police are fantastic and the worst are Street Scene.

The lady said that she had never received a reply from Street Scene, and she regularly rings up. 

Tracey Smith said that she has a line, and will give anyone who asks for it the number.


Peter Scammell asked about Asset Transfer and transferring an asset because the same will happen with Heswall Hall.  There is a gap.  What are the Council doing to focus on this?

Cllr. Rowlands replied that asset transfer is under consideration, and it was reported to the Secretary of State and an Enquiry has been held in New Brighton.

David Armstrong reported that the Inspector has requested some more information by 24th June, and the report will be ready by the end of July.  There is an Officer called David Ball who reported yesterday on the terms of the halls, and indicated he had met with all the people and there were no more than three or four of these. He had been assured that the Council, and in particular Ian Brand, were taking every step to try and sort something out.


Diana Lane asked whether he could indicate if anything had come forward in regard to Heswall Hall.  Mrs. Lane said that it had been rumoured that Birkenhead Town Hall has a possible purchaser. 

David Armstrong replied that the deadline had not yet expired, and that Birkenhead Town Hall will be looked at by English Heritage.

Mrs. Lane said that it had been quoted to her that the loss of running Heswall Hall would be £164,000. per year.

David Armstrong replied that the people running them have been asked to let the figures be made known, and also a schedule of the state of the building has been put in hand.  A process has been put in place to let the people interested in perhaps forming a Committee to run Heswall Hall have this information in order to give it serious consideration.

Cllr. Rowlands said that he will be keeping a very close eye on all that is happening, not just Heswall Hall.  At the moment the stage has not been reached because the Officers are waiting for some information.

Peter Scammell said that, as far as he was aware, the annual running costs were £100,000 and the bookings in the region of £50,000.00.

Douglas George asked how the venue for this evening was confirmed, and why was it not held in Heswall Hall?  Tony Garrett replied that Heswall Hall was not available, as they were taking blood transfusions this evening.  Mr. George asked how are people informed, as he had only seen a small advertisement in Pensby Library.  Tracey Smith said that she had a mailing list of between 50 and 60, and that she would add Mr. George to it. 

Inspector Cunningham said that if Tracey would let her have a pile of notices, they will be put out at the Police surgeries.

Lady said that she has spoke to Cllr. Sarah Quinn about the growing concern over the Pensby Hotel with their blackboard type advertising just about everything.  A huge A board advertising many events, and this is on a corner position of a very busy road, and is causing a problem along the road.  This is not a planning matter, this is to do with Street Scene.

Phil Miner said that if it is on his property, there is nothing they can do.  It was stated that a fence has been erected just inside the property.  Phil Miner said that someone will come down to check the safety aspect.

A request was made for the painting of the street lamps in Belmont Drive – they are rusty from top to bottom.  The lady has lived there for 40 years, and she cannot remember them ever being painted in that time.

Mr.Garrett also wished to follow up the complaints about Pensby Road and drivers stopping to buy a sandwich from Sayers, or use the cash machine at HSBC.  He said the whole area is a disgrace during the daytime, double decker buses cannot get through when there are parked vehicles on both sides, and he did point out that some he has seen doing this, should know better.  Inspector Cunningham said that she will follow this up.

Mr. Garrett also raised one other matter – the use of St. Peter’s School as a Polling Centre.  It is very difficult for the disabled to access, and even going round the side of the school means that there are steps to be negotiated, and you have to walk past the bins.  He watched a gentleman with two sticks negotiating his way, and felt that this is unacceptable.  Cllr. Johnson said that it had been suggested that the new St. Peter’s Centre be used, but the Rector did not want to upset the shopkeepers by the loss of parking spaces.  The disabled access and the siting of the bins have been raised with Lesley Hales, who is in charge of Polling Stations, and a request has been made for a rail down the steps.

Mr. Garrett said that all in Banks Road area are grateful for the work which has been done to Banks Road.  The car park at the bottom is still rough.  He wondered why Sheldrakes could not pay for re-tarmaccing it.  Phil Miner will have a look at it with a view to doing some work.

David Steel asked Russell Favager what is the latest situation on the Heswall and Pensby surgeries regarding building a new facility here. 

Russell Favager replied that Planning permission was refused by the Council.  Further discussions are being held with the GPs, and they are looking at the reasons why the Council rejected the proposal.  Mr. Steel said that at the meeting before last he asked what has been the result of the peoples’ survey.  Russell Favager said that 907 had responded and which 78% were in favour of the development.

Cllr. Johnson said there are 26,000 patients in the two surgeries.

David Steel said that everyone he spoke to in Pensby said they were happy to go – the exercise would be good for them, but just for a GP visit you do no want to go a distance.  This is not going forward – it is going backward.  If you go into the history of it, Dr. Seagar had foresight to build this many years ago.

Russell Favager gave an update on the Warrens.  A Planning application was submitted last week, and this is for building on the glass house area.


Sandy Cameron said that 85% were in favour of the one in Thingwall and 85/78% in Heswall.

The Planning Committee that turned it down was 100%.

If you quote all percentages 2700 responded, of which 2400 all strongly agreed the proposal.

I can only quote from the figures given me of the numbers of the patients 562 residents responded, 460 in favour.  The Planning application at the Warrens affects the whole of the area – Heswall, Pensby, Thingwall and Irby.

Lady asked Mr. Favager whether the patients wanted Pensby surgery to close and everything to move to Heswall.  It was put in the document that would you like the new facility but in the operation guide it didn’t say that the Pensby surgery would close and everyone would move to Heswall.

Russell Favager said the consultation document stated quite clearly that there was going to be a complete re-organisation on the Heswall site and it did say that the Pensby surgery would be relocated to the new site.

Russell Favager said that as the Council had rejected it so they are talking to the GPs and looking at their options.

Ken Gethen said he would like to state how valuable our Fire Service is (no disrespect to the Police), but they responded in under four minutes to the house, and saved everything.

Tony Garrett asked what supervision is being taken over Heswall shore.  There are a great many old boats (wrecks) left on the shore.  Can Wirral Council do anything?  There is a sign at the bottom of the road accessing the shore saying DO NOT COME DOWN ON THE SHORE BEYOND THIS POINT.  Two months ago it was going to be replaced, and it seems that they have forgotten all about it. 

Peter Scammell asked “is there a schedule for re-surfacing Brimstage Road to the Clatterbridge roundabout? 

Cllr. Rowlands has brought this to the attention of the Highways Department, and the Officers are aware, and it is down on the list. 

The question was asked “when was that road classified as an A road from a B road?  Phil Miner will investigate.

A gentleman asked whether there is any update on the change of the Centre from Clatterbridge to Liverpool. 

Russell Favager said the centre is a regional centre and not just for Wirral and that 70% of the patients come from across the river. An independent cancer expert has recommended that there should be some inpatient cancer beds located within Liverpool, preferably at the Royal with it close links to the University. Nothing has happened yet and there is no agreement, but they will be looking at different options over the next couple of years. Whatever the outcome there is no suggestion that there won’t still be beds at Wirral.  It is just about putting the right numbers in each area were the patients are. A full public consultation would take place before anything happened.

Susan Proudlove asked the Committee in February what about the dropped pavements in Old Wood Road?  Can someone drive where the children’s’ school is?  It is very dangerous.  Susan is a representative for the Burness Farm Group.  The site proposed for the Warrens is not waste land, but the glass houses.  In all the surgeries what is going on?  The doctors are trying to get somewhere to improve access for patients, not just the specialist treatments.  It is impossible to gain access to any of the doctors’ surgeries, and I hope the Councillors here tonight will support the doctors.  It has been going on for about ten years.

Cllr Wilkins will follow up the dropped kerbs requirement, especially Ridgewood Road, and Fishers Lane where it is really bad.  There should be some concrete decision on the doctors’ surgery by the next Forum.


This is one of the worst areas for access for shops.  Heswall and Pensby are a disgrace to what they used to be, and the Government should put more money into the Health resources.  There is more money going into Birkenhead, and they are forgetting about it here, young families and old people.  Pensby and Thingwall, Heswall and Irby should stand up for themselves.

Cllr. Rowlands thanked all the Officers for attending and answering the questions.