Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update


Community Safety:  Ian Lowrie drew attention to the statement on page 21 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report:  ‘Wirral stands as the second best achieving Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership in Community Safety out of the 36 Metropolitan Districts, showing significant reductions in crime as a result of effective working with partners to achieve such results’.  The focus of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership at present is on is on serious acquisitive crime and hate crime.


Police:  Mike Blease, local Neighbourhood Inspection reported that nationally burglaries to homes are increasing nationally, but are continuing to fall in Wirral.  The profile of burglaries and consequent reduction has been highlighted at Road Shows when people have been reminded to ensure windows are not left open when the home is unoccupied.


The Home Office have distributed Tsar guns to Police Forces on a regional basis.  60 of the 130 patrol officers will be trained in their use, and 60 will be armed with Tsar guns.  Birkenhead will be one of the first areas involved.  A demonstration will be given at the next Area Forum meeting.


The new Police Station in Birkenhead is expected to be operational at the end of 2011.  The existing main Police Station in Birkenhead will close and smaller Police Stations will be relocated.


Fire and Rescue Service:  The Service is focussing on anti-social fires started in parks and heather areas where youth groups congregate.  Working with the Community Safety partnership, a number of new schemes and campaigns will be running throughout the summer months to deter children from starting fires in parks and open spaces.  Children will be educated about the dangers and risks of going into areas where they can smoke and drink and start anti-social fires, for example the beaches in Wirral.  Personnel plan to complete assessments on every property on Merseyside by the end of the current financial year.  Where it is not possible to gain access after three visits, an external assessment will be made. 


NHS Wirral:  [Martin McEwan]  NHS Wirral has launched WHAT?, an alcohol misuse campaign aimed at providing information about sensible drinking and signposting to services.  A campaign logo has been designed.


The outbreak of swine flu on the Wirral is mild at the moment, although more cases are being reported.  The public are urged to pay particular attention to hygiene messages.  Plans are well advanced for providing information to the public in the event of a pandemic, and advice has been issued to support health and social care services to develop pandemic action plans.  Members of the public are recommended to check the relevant web sits for the most recent information.  Specific queries should be directed to the Health Protection Agency.  Patient advice can be obtained from NHS Direct.  The expectation is that the outbreak will be at its worse from late Autumn onwards. 


A planning application has been submitted to Wirral Council for the new St Catherine’s Health Centre.  Consultation meetings will be held with the public during the 12-week statutory period, and throughout the planning period.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust:  Information packs and Press Releases were available at the meeting.  Major investment has been made in services for women and children at Arrowe Park Hospital.


Peter Exley explained that the Residents’ Association in Tranmere are working with the PCT to the extent that the possibility of a community area in the new hospital has been discussed.