Agenda item

APP/19/00564: CLEARED SITE, BEAUFORT ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, To construct 178 dwellings with associated parking, access and landscaping.


Councillors S Whittingham and G Davies declared a prejudicial interest in this matter and left the room during its consideration (minute 34 refers).


The Corporate Director of Economic and Housing Growth submitted the above application for consideration.


On a motion by the Chair and seconded by B Kenny it was –


Resolved (12:0) – that the application be approved subject to the following conditions.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans received by the local planning authority on 11th April 2019 and listed as follows: KHNW-MB-01; KMT/PL-106-2; KMT/PL-106-3; SK04-1; 1030-1; 1040-1; 1070-1; 1080-1; 1090-1; 1130-1; 1140-A; 1170-1; 1200-1; 1210-1


3. The external finishes of the development shall correspond with the submitted Materials Plan (Drawing KHNW-MB-01 Revision F) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority


4. No residential development besides remediation and land clearance shall commence until the final detailed sustainable drainage design, for the management and disposal of surface water from the site which shall be limited to a discharge rate of 21 l/s and based on the principles and details identified in the following document has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority:


·  Flood Risk Assessment Report for Beaufort Road at Birkenhead (01/04/2019/ File Ref: 6738FRA_RevA/ Coopers)


5. The development hereby permitted by this planning permission, including all components of the sustainable drainage system, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved final Sustainable Drainage Strategy, including any phasing embodied within, and maintained in perpetuity in accordance with an agreed Operation and Maintenance Plan, to be submitted for each development phase, approved by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.  The surface water drainage system shall be offered for adoption to United Utilities at adoptable standards where adoption has been submitted in the drainage strategy.


The approved drainage scheme shall be fully constructed prior to occupation in accordance with the approved details, phasing and timetable embodied within the approved final Sustainable Drainage Strategy, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.  ‘As built’ drainage design/layout drawings and a final Operation and Maintenance Plan, confirming asset details and maintenance arrangements, shall be submitted to the Lead Local Flood Authority, in accordance with any approved phasing, prior to occupation.


6. No development other than demolition and remediation shall take place until a Site Waste Management Plan (or similar waste audit), confirming measures to achieve efficient use of resources and including designing out waste and minimisation of off-site disposal, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be implemented in full unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, these details could be included within a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) if one is to be produced for the development.


7. No tree felling, scrub clearance, hedgerow removal, vegetation management, is to take place during the period 1 March to 31 August inclusive. If it is necessary to undertake works during the bird breeding season then all trees, scrub, hedgerows and vegetation are to be checked first by an appropriately experienced ecologist to ensure no breeding birds are present. If present, the appropriate measures specified by the licensed ecologist are to be undertaken


8. The submitted landscape scheme, as detailed on Drawings LDS-453 01A, LDS-453 02A and document LDS-453(A) - LS, shall be implemented no later than the first planting season following first occupation unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority


9. NO DEVELOPMENT SHALL TAKE PLACE (other than remediation and land clearance) UNTIL a Construction Management Plan or Construction Method Statement for the construction of the development hereby approved has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.  The construction works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 


Details submitted in respect of the method statement shall provide for routes for construction traffic, the provision of parking facilities for contractors and visitors during all stages of the development, hours of operation, the provision of a means of storage and/or delivery for all plant, site huts, site facilities and materials and shall provide for wheel cleaning facilities during the site preparation and construction stages of the development and/or method(s) of prevention of mud being carried onto the highway.


10. With reference to Drawing KHNW-MB-01 Revision F, the integrated bird and bat boxes shall be installed prior to first occupation of any dwelling in which they will be located, and retained as such thereafter


11. The Lime Tree (identified as TN4 in the Ecological Assessment) shall be felled using soft fell techniques under the supervision of a suitably qualified ecologist


12. A sales/information pack highlighting the location of, and promoting the use of, alternative greenspaces within the area (such as Birkenhead Park and Bidston Moss) and explaining the importance, sensitivities and vulnerabilities of protected European Sites to recreational impacts, shall be provided to every new home buyer for the development hereby permitted.


13. The noise mitigation measures specified in Section 7 of the Hepworth Acoustics Report No. P17-205-R01-V2 (Assessment of noise impact on proposed residential development dated February 2019) shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of each dwelling and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority


14. The remediation strategy submitted with this application (Coopers, Report Reference 6741rs) shall be implemented and a verification report submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the development first being occupied


15. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority. Development on the part of the site affected must be halted and a risk assessment carried out and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where unacceptable risks are found remediation and verification schemes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These shall be implemented prior to the development being brought into use.


16. The clearance, remediation and development of the site shall be in accordance with the submitted 'Invasive Weed Management Plan' unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority


17. Prior to commencement of any construction, a full scheme of works and timetable for the construction of the new highways and/or amendment of the existing highway made necessary by this development, including new carriageways, footways, street lighting, surface water drainage, traffic signage, amendments to existing TRO’s, introduction of new TRO’s associated with the development, road markings, introduction of a traffic calming scheme, introduction of a cycleway to Ilchester Road, provision of tactile paved pedestrian crossings, street furniture, access onto the adjacent highway, road safety audit and monitoring shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Department. The approved works shall be completed in accordance with the LPA written approval prior to occupation of the development.


18. Within 3 months of first occupation of the development a travel plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The provisions of the travel plan shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the timetable contained therein unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority



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