Agenda item

Area Forum Partner Updates / Public Question Time


The Chair invited partners to provide their updates and to link public question time to this session.




Inspector Julie Fletcher reported that copies of the June newsletter for New Brighton were available this evening. Further to the update contained within the forum report, she wished to add the following:


  • National tackling drugs week – took place last week and warrants were executed. A resident was stopped at Wallasey tunnel and kilo of cocaine was seized
  • Operation Big Wing – last Friday evening to tackle alcohol related violence
  • Operation Stay Safe– Cllr Wood took part in this operation with regard to young people at risk of alcohol harm. 65 arrests were made during the course of the evening relating to various alcohol offences
  • Hamilton Road area – with regard to anti social behaviour there has been a 70% reduction in calls. At the last problem solving meeting, local residents are to meet with young people for mediation.
  • Open Day – took place on 9/10 May, 119 people visited the station. Another event will be held in October if anyone wishes to book a place on the tour email details are contained in the newsletter. The tour includes a visit to the old cells at Manor Road and to the high technical control room.
  • Insight scheme – this is a fairly new initiative whereby residents can shadow officers either o foot or in a vehicle


Inspector Fletcher introduced Sergeant Andy Bragg who has recently joined the neighbourhood and will represent the New Brighton ward.


Inspector Peter Kolokotroni reported that his neighbourhood covers Leasowe, Moreton, Saughall Massie and Wallasey Village, copies of the newsletter for Wallasey area were also available. Further to the update contained within the forum report, he wished to add the following:


  • Insight scheme – it is intended to extend this initiative to his neighbourhood
  • Overall figures have dropped with the exception of theft from motor vehicles which has risen in the Moreton area. Almost half of these offences occur with property in the vehicles ie: satellite navigation and handbags in view
  • An operation is underway currently in Wallasey Village due to theft from sheds/garages in recent weeks
  • Anti social behaviour – with school holidays approaching there are various targeting operations commencing particularly in parks and open spaces.
  • Run a number of diversionary activities including residential army trip with young people (Inspector Fletcher runs this), 5 a side football, mountain biking/walking all of which young people sign up to a behavioural contract.
  • Statistics for May – 36 fixed penalties for motoring offences (speeding), 12 vehicles were seized due to no insurance or driving license, 17 fixed penalties for speeding along Bayswater Road, 14 young people were stopped as part of truancy sweep, of these 7 were out of school unauthorised and were returned, of these 7, 2 had been stopped previously and further action will now be taken.


The Chair invited questions from the floor:


1.  Peter Dickinson – enquired about the army initiative and asked for more information


Inspector Fletcher informed the forum that this was brought to her attention originally by 2 officers who were ex army personnel. The Seacombe ward has high anti social behaviour, the initiative has been running since last July and young people who are causing problems are sent. There has been some criticism that this is deemed to be rewarding bad behaviour but the outcomes have proved very positive. The course is very strict, has an exercise routine and the young people are subject to army discipline, rules and regulations. 35 young people have taken part to date, and of these 19 had entered the criminal justice system. Of these 19, 11 have not re-offended since last August, 7 have considered joining the army and 1 young person has joined.  The next one is due to run on 20 July.


2.  Cllr Pritchard – referred to no alcohol zones in New Brighton being breached particularly outside pubs and asked if enforcements will be made


  Inspector Fletcher reported that Dave Peers, CSOhad spoken to her recently but until now she was not aware of this. The pubs and licensees in question will be visited


3.  Cllr Pritchard – has received a lot of complaints from residents near to the Tavern Club and Magazine pub


  Inspector Fletcher – reports/calls are monitored daily and this has not been recorded. Encourage residents to report in order for the data to be collected.


NHS Wirral (formerly PCT)


Dr Mukherjee referred to the detailed update contained within the forum report, he wished to add the following:


  • Arrowe Park Hospital have opened a primary care GP centre which is a health centre/practice and is open all day
  • Swine Flu is very topical and we are well prepared for a pandemic, working with acute trust and council
  • Victoria Central is now up and running and is at the heart of Wallasey health care. It is of the highest standard and is one of the first in the North West. It includes a walk in centre, extended hours, x-rays, doctor, out patients, heart centre, mental health, physio and chiropody. It is a modern, comprehensive centre.
  • Voice of Wallasey patients group is due to be set up shortly which will consist of a core patient group of 60-90 people. From this, an executive will be established of 15 people of which 1 or 2 will sit on management board of each area.


No questions were received from the floor.


NHS University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Rod Jones referred to the detailed update contained within the forum report, he wished to add the following:


  • Documentation is available if anyone would like a copy
  • High standard of controlling infection
  • Various awards have been received
  • Development of improved services and new paediatric area
  • Re-enforced Dr Mukherjee’s point with regard to swine flu. Preparations are in hand with, all health care organisations are involved. 2 office environment workers have contracted the virus but there is no danger/risk to patients


1.  Member of the public – parking facilities at Arrowe Park and bus from Sainsbury’s.


The bus service only allows a limited number of people to board, the drop off area is always full of parked vehicles. There appears to be improvements being made to the parking facilities, could this be elaborated upon


Rod Jones responded that they recognise there is limited space for parking, the Trust aims to make improvements and introduce measures / controls to alleviate congestion however there is only so much that can be done. He acknowledged this is an ongoing issue and agreed to take this and the bus issue back to the Trust.


2.  Cllr Pritchard – enquired if there are plans to make charges for the current free car park (that  is situated behind the nursing facilities). He noticed recently that barriers have been erected and barrier machines appear to be installed.


Rod Jones commented that he is not aware of any changes being introduced however he will investigate further.


David Green added the Council released a covenant for Arrowe Park to charge for use of the main car park with allocation of 200-300 free spaces. The travel plan is reviewed annually however he will ensure the finer details are investigated and reported back.


Fire Service


Tony Mooney referred to the detailed update contained within the forum report on pages 18-20, he wished to add the following:


  • Continued joint working initiatives with Police and Community Safety teams
  • Open Day held at Wallasey Fire Station recently proved a great success with all the emergency services (Ambulance, Paramedics, Police, Coastguard, Hospital Trust, PCT and community groups) and showcased integrated working. He wished to publicly thank all those involved in the day


No questions were received from the floor.


Community Safety


SaiMaing referred to the detailed update contained within the forum report on page 20, he wished to add the following:


  • Reiterated points made by Police and Fire Service with regard to statistics
  • New Brighton/Wallasey are not problem areas
  • Wirral were recently ranked 2 out of 36 metropolitan districts in the country
  • Ongoing multi agency approach with regard to Hate Crime which now covers the six equality strands
  • Summer operation will commence in and around our parks and open spaces


1.  Cllr Bill Duffey – with regard to New Brighton / Wallasey area generally not being  problematic, could you clarify if the majority of reports are from residents of Wirral Partnership Homes?


  Inspector Kolokotroni confirmed that figures quoted by all the agencies are area based and not related specifically to community safety team alone.


  The Chair referred to a legal action report on page 20 in the Wallasey area in February 2009 and stated that the figures do not always correspond with what residents are telling ward Councillors.





The Chair concluded this part of the meeting and invited general questions from the floor


1.  Member of the public – referred to the Dome as a grade 2 listed building and noted  community landmark and enquired about latest developments


David Green informed the forum that the Council intend to send a letter this Friday (26 June)under section 54 of the planning and conservation act which will inform the owners to provide a structural and repair survey. They will have 28 days to agree who the consultant will be. If this is not adhered to, the Council will then have powers to serve notice to undertake the work. This would be emergency repairs in the short term to make the building water proof and wind proof.


The Chair informed the forum that he had inspected the building last year with the Council’s Conservation Officer and Cllr Pritchard.


Cllr Wood asked who would be liable for payment of these repairs?


David Green stated the Council would pay the initial charges and would recuperate the charges from the owner.


2.   Paul Murray asked if the deterioration to the exterior of the church is in any way related to the external masonry problems that St Peter and Paul’s school is experiencing. Recent signs at the school have been erected in Atherton Street stating staff parking only and that the walkway is unsafe.


  David Green asked for Paul’s details and assured him this would be investigated.


3.  Member of the public – asked for an update on road safety at Field Road medical centre.


  David Green stated that this was originally raised at this forum some time ago and that Cllr Pritchard had met with Joey Smith regarding the planning application. He thought the issue had been resolved.


Cllr Pritchard stated that there are still issues with regards to the ‘run in’ into the old medical centre and contact had been made with Geoff Bell for fear of pedestrians being knocked down


David Green responded that he will arrange for an Officer to contact Cllr Pritchard to progress further.


Resolved that: 

(i)  the partners be thanked for their updates

(ii)  that Rod Jones report the parking and bus issues back to the Trust

(iii)  that Rod Jones and David Green provide details of the parking arrangements at Arrowe Park Hospital

(iv)  that David Green investigate the notices and make contact with the school in question and liaise with Paul Murray

(v)  that David Green arrange for contact to be made with Cllr Pritchard in relation to Field Road