Agenda item
High Needs Update
Tarun Ghosh updated the Forum on a number of high needs areas, as follows:-
· Confirmation that the final SEND Review Report has been received from the Premier Advisory Group and passed to senior colleagues. It will then be passed to councillors.
· SENDCo Locality Boards are in the process of being set up to shape future priorities and strategy moving forward
· The Review of the pilot provision agreed in 2018 is ongoing.
· The Review of Individual Pupil Funding Agreements (IPFAs) is ongoing to ensure that pupil outcomes are met. This will include setting up a Local Area Board to assess and monitor the process.
· No further Group PFAs have been agreed since Autumn 2019.
· A proposed change to the inclusion funding allocated to special schools at preliminary discussion level within the Local Authority. This would be a significant reduction for one school, who the Authority are due to meet with to discuss.
· There is an ongoing review of KIND Team with a view to move the emphasis from a clinical model to an educational approach.
· To consider a High Needs funding review, with a consideration to explore further the following 3 options:-
o Option 1 – retaining the current system, which includes EHCP funding (special school top ups, resource of units, exceptional needs and out of borough funding), IPFAs, Early Years Funding entitlement.
o Option 2 – Additional funding/interventions specific to each child using an Individual Provision Map, with annual reviews. There would be no change in mainstream to the elements 1 & 2 funding through the formula budget.
o Option 3 – Pupil needs based model based on the 7 Ranges Model. Range 1-3 would not attract extra funding. Range 4a – 4d mainly mainstream funding, 5-7 top ups for special schools.
Forum requested that options 2 & 3 are reviewed and costed identifying the effect on each school. This is a large piece of work between the SEN and Finance teams. A wider consultation would also be required.
Forum agreed the timeline as follows:-
o High Needs working group to review the options
o Update at the September 2020 Forum Meeting.
o Consultation after September meeting.
o Feedback to influence budget setting for 2021-22
The special schools representatives asked the following questions on behalf of the Special School head teachers
· In light of the additional money being delegated to mainstream schools, what are the proposals for the distribution of the extra 6 million that the Local Authority is receiving for High Needs in April 2020. There are serious concerns that 6 of the 10 special schools already have a deficit and an additional 2 are likely to have a deficit in April 2021. The money needs to be distributed to SEN in all sectors as soon as possible.
Forum agreed that the distribution of the high needs funding should be discussed at the next High needs working Group.
· Additional funding (8%) has been given to the LA for Hospital School Provision. Could the LA outline the plans for the distribution of this money.
The Hospital Education element in the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is increasing in 2020-21. However, the allocation to Wirral Hospital School will remain unchanged in 2020-21, with the increase to be held to be used to meet the special educational needs of children/young people (CYP) meeting the admission criteria. The Wirral Hospital Schools will be offered a meeting to discuss the 8% increase, and how it will be allocated to support and improve outcomes for children/young people (CYP).
· Concerns have been raised by Special School Headteachers regarding the sudden proposals to remove £119,500 from Clare Mounts school budget. The consequence of the school only being informed on Monday 6th January 2020 about these proposals has meant that they have had no opportunity to factor this into their budgetary commitment for 2020-2021. Loss of this money will have a huge impact upon the pupils and the school. Due to the meeting that has been scheduled for Monday 20th January 2020 with Clare Mount and the Local Authority could any decision be deferred until after the meeting. The school are intending to highlight the reasons why Forum members agreed to continue with the allocation of this funding.
Specialist School status funding ended several years ago, with the grant allocations moved to the DSG. A decision was made at the time by the LA to leave the funding with Clare Mount school due to their budget position at the time and the impact removing it would have had on the school and its pupils. However, following Schools Forum’s request that the LA conduct a review of Inclusion Funding it was felt that it is no longer appropriate that the school continue to receive this funding, and that, instead, it is used to continue the review of Inclusion and Outreach funding and impacts. This would also mean that the funding the school receives is clear and transparent.
Tarun Ghosh updated the Forum on a number of high needs areas, as follows:-
· Confirmation that the final SEND Review Report has been received from the Premier Advisory Group and passed to senior colleagues. It will then be passed to councillors.
· SENDCo Locality Boards are in the process of being set up to shape future priorities and strategy moving forward
· The Review of the pilot provision agreed in 2018 is ongoing.
· The Review of Individual Pupil Funding Agreements (IPFAs) is ongoing to ensure that pupil outcomes are met. This will include setting up a Local Area Board to assess and monitor the process.
· No further Group PFAs have been agreed since Autumn 2019.
· A proposed change to the inclusion funding allocated to special schools at preliminary discussion level within the Local Authority. This would be a significant reduction for one school, who the Authority are due to meet with to discuss.
· There is an ongoing review of KIND Team with a view to move the emphasis from a clinical model to an educational approach.
· To consider a High Needs funding review, with a consideration to explore further the following 3 options:-
o Option 1 – retaining the current system, which includes EHCP funding (special school top ups, resource of units, exceptional needs and out of borough funding), IPFAs, Early Years Funding entitlement.
o Option 2 – Additional funding/interventions specific to each child using an Individual Provision Map, with annual reviews. There would be no change in mainstream to the elements 1 & 2 funding through the formula budget.
o Option 3 – Pupil needs based model based on the 7 Ranges Model. Range 1-3 would not attract extra funding. Range 4a – 4d mainly mainstream funding, 5-7 top ups for special schools.
Forum requested that options 2 & 3 are reviewed and costed identifying the effect on each school. This is a large piece of work between the SEN and Finance teams. A wider consultation would also be required.
Forum agreed the timeline as follows:-
o High Needs working group to review the options
o Update at the September 2020 Forum Meeting.
o Consultation after September meeting.
o Feedback to influence budget setting for 2021-22
The special schools representatives asked the following questions on behalf of the Special School head teachers
· In light of the additional money being delegated to mainstream schools, what are the proposals for the distribution of the extra 6 million that the Local Authority is receiving for High Needs in April 2020. There are serious concerns that 6 of the 10 special schools already have a deficit and an additional 2 are likely to have a deficit in April 2021. The money needs to be distributed to SEN in all sectors as soon as possible.
Forum agreed that the distribution of the high needs funding should be discussed at the next High needs working Group.
· Additional funding (8%) has been given to the LA for Hospital School Provision. Could the LA outline the plans for the distribution of this money.
The Hospital Education element in the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is increasing in 2020-21. However, the allocation to Wirral Hospital School will remain unchanged in 2020-21, with the increase to be held to be used to meet the special educational needs of children/young people (CYP) meeting the admission criteria. The Wirral Hospital Schools will be offered a meeting to discuss the 8% increase, and how it will be allocated to support and improve outcomes for children/young people (CYP).
· Concerns have been raised by Special School Headteachers regarding the sudden proposals to remove £119,500 from Clare Mounts school budget. The consequence of the school only being informed on Monday 6th January 2020 about these proposals has meant that they have had no opportunity to factor this into their budgetary commitment for 2020-2021. Loss of this money will have a huge impact upon the pupils and the school. Due to the meeting that has been scheduled for Monday 20th January 2020 with Clare Mount and the Local Authority could any decision be deferred until after the meeting. The school are intending to highlight the reasons why Forum members agreed to continue with the allocation of this funding.
Specialist School status funding ended several years ago, with the grant allocations moved to the DSG. A decision was made at the time by the LA to leave the funding with Clare Mount school due to their budget position at the time and the impact removing it would have had on the school and its pupils. However, following Schools Forum’s request that the LA conduct a review of Inclusion Funding it was felt that it is no longer appropriate that the school continue to receive this funding, and that, instead, it is used to continue the review of Inclusion and Outreach funding and impacts. This would also mean that the funding the school receives is clear and transparent.
Forum noted the report and the views of the Forum.
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