Agenda item



The Assistant Director for Leisure, Libraries and Customer Engagement introduced the report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services which provided the outcomes of the Library Strategy consultation and emerging Library Strategy for approval, with three options for an operating model to take to consultation. The Strategy and preferred option strived to provide a balanced, modern, and fit for purpose Library Service in Wirral to ensure that all residents had access to a comprehensive and efficient service which was relevant, based on need, and financially sustainable. It was explained that maintaining 24 library sites was unsustainable and was a constraint on development.


Members discussed the report and noted that needs were changing, such as increasing digital content, although there remained a core of users who preferred physical material. It was also noted that other services and volunteers could assist in enabling services to be provided.


Resolved: That

(1)   the key outcomes, themes, and findings from the Library Strategy consultation as set out in paras 2.1 to 2.14 be noted;

(2)  the emerging Libraries Strategy in Appendix 1 be approved pending the determination of the Final Strategy following the consultation referred to in (3);

(3)  submitting Options 1 to 3 (preferred) be approved for public consultation and engagement with service users, staff, key stakeholders and their representatives during February and March with the outcome to be reported to the first meeting of this Committee in the new municipal year.

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