Agenda item


Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.



Prior to Members’ declarations of interest, the Civic Mayor asked the Deputy Monitoring Officer, Vicki Shaw, to provide advice to all Members in respect of motion 1, ‘Public Sector Pay Freeze’.


Vicki Shaw informed the meeting of the requirements of the Localism Act and the Members’ Code of Conduct, in respect of declaring interests and that the Leader of the Council had submitted a written request for the Council to grant a general dispensation for this meeting only for all Members to be present, speak and vote were they would otherwise have a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of the first motion, Public Sector Pay Freeze.


Written advice had already been provided to Members by the Monitoring Officer, with which she herself concurred, in that with the number of Members who would be affected, the test for granting a dispensation would be met on the ground that the representation of different political groups would otherwise be affected so as to alter the likely outcome of any vote. Also, quite possibly there would be too few Member left in the meeting, that the transaction of business would be prohibited as the meeting might become inquorate.


The Monitoring Officer was also of the view that, given the nature of this motion on notice and its content, that it was highly likely the courts would agree with the Council if it were of the view that the test that this would be otherwise appropriate, was also met.


On a motion by the Civic Mayor, seconded by Councillor Janette Williamson, it was –


Resolved - That Council grants a General Dispensation, for this meeting only, to all Members, to be present, speak and vote where they would otherwise have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in respect of Motion 1 on the agenda on the grounds that it is appropriate in the circumstances to grant such a dispensation.


The Civic Mayor then informed the meeting that he had also been informed that all the Labour Members present would wish to declare a personal interest in respect of Motion 5 – ‘Union Learning Fund’.


Members of the Council were then invited to consider whether they had any other disclosable pecuniary and / or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the interest.


Having been granted a dispensation the following Members then also chose to declare a prejudicial interest in Motion 1, ‘Public Sector Pay Freeze’, by virtue of themselves or a close family member working in the public sector, Councillors Les Rowlands, Stuart Whittingham, Sarah Spoor, Christina Muspratt, Paul Stuart, Jenny Johnson, Janette Williamson, Chris Jones, Christine Spriggs, Tony Jones, Tony Norbury, Chris Cooke, Yvonne Nolan, Alison Wright, Mike Sullivan, Lesley Rennie, Steve Hayes, Jerry Williams, Steve Williams, Tony Smith, Moira McLaughlin, Samantha Frost and Irene Williams.


Councillor Jeff Green and Anita Leech declared personal interests in Motion 6, It’s Time to Put New Arrangements in Place’ by virtue of a parent being in receipt of care.


Councillor Yvonne Nolan declared a personal interest in Motion 3, ‘Getting Cancer Services Back on Track’ by virtue of her being a governor of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust.


Councillor Mary Jordan declared a personal interest in Motion 3, ‘Getting Cancer Services Back on Track’ by virtue of her employment.


Councillor Ian Lewis declared a personal interest in Motion 3, ‘Getting Cancer Services Back on Track’ by virtue of him being a public member of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.


Councillor Moira McLaughlin declared a non-pecuniary interest in Motion 7,‘Tackling Child Poverty and Deprivation on Wirral’ by virtue of her being a trustee of Feeding Birkenhead.


Councillors Lesley Rennie, Brian Kenny and Jean Stapleton declared personal interests in Motion 2, ‘Wirral Council Asked to Back the RSPCA’s Fireworks Campaign’ by virtue of their membership of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority.


Councillor Julie McManus declared a personal interest in Motion 7,‘Tackling Child Poverty and Deprivation on Wirral’ by virtue of her employment.


Councillor Steve Foulkes declared a personal interest in agenda item 6a and the Housing Minutes, by virtue of his membership of Magenta Living.


Councillor Jenny Johnson declared personal interests in both Motion 5, ‘Union Learning Fund’ by virtue of her employment and Motion 6, It’s Time to Put New Arrangements in Place’ by virtue of a family member’s employment.


Councillor Tony Cox declared a prejudicial interest in Motion 4,‘Supporting Car Clubs in Wirral’ by virtue of his employment.