Agenda item



Graham Hodkinson, Director of Adult Care and Health introduced his report that provided the Adult Social Care and Health Committee with details of the process for budget setting as a transition year for 2021/22 and described the financial position for 2021/22, which as at Quarter 1 was deficit of £45m, and the actions being put in place to mitigate the gap.


These actions included a 5 STAGE phased approach and included the timeline for the 2021/22 budget setting process when budget proposals were presented to the Policy and Resources Committee for the recommendation to Full Council to set the 2021/22 budget.


Members were apprised that as this was a transition year, proposals had been identified and would continue to be presented to the Committee by Officers. The Committee was however encouraged to identify its own proposals for Officers to work up, if within the timescale, to be included for the 2021/22 Budget. For future years this would become the usual process and throughout the year the Committee would be identifying proposals for Officers to work up for the following years budget. Members noted that a workshop session in respect of the budget was scheduled to take place at the conclusion of the formal committee meeting.


Following presentation of his report, Members questioned the Director of Adult Care and Health on a number of matters as highlighted in his report. The Director responded accordingly.




With the aim of ensuring that an ‘invest to save’ approach to budget setting be taken, an additional recommendation was proposed.


Moved by Councillor Tom Usher

Seconded by Councillor Samantha Fox


‘That Committee wishes to highlight the importance of social care and health services at this particular time. Committee express its support for a budget process that takes into account the statutory nature of these services and the difficulty in making budget reductions without more costly demand pressures occurring subsequently. For these reasons, this Committee will make budget proposals based on “invest to save” principles and delivering our services differently rather than budget reductions, and we ask Policy and Resources Committee to support the decisions of this Committee; and


This Committee is acutely aware of the extreme budgetary pressures on all services and as such proposes that the budget consultation is more widely advertised to capture a greater understanding from all stakeholders’ opinions and concerns.’


Councillor Moira McLaughlin expressed concerns with regard to the proposed recommendation, suggesting a possible alternative in so far as:


‘That Committee recognises the extraordinary difficulties in the producing a budget and also fully understands the demands of statutory services. Through the workshops members will take every opportunity to explore areas and will produce a report which sets out the views of the committee at the appropriate time.’




Councillor Phil Gilchrist suggested a possible solution to address Members concerns by removal of words from Councillor Usher’s initial proposal until the budget workshops had taken place. Councillor Moira McLaughlin agreed that this would be an appropriate and acceptable solution and agreed to withdraw her suggested alternative wording.


Moved by Councillor Phil Gilchrist

Seconded by Councillor Moira McLaughlin




‘For these reasons, this Committee will make budget proposals based on “invest to save” principles and delivering our services differently rather than budget reductions, and we ask Policy & Resources Committee to support the decisions of this Committee.’




At this point, and Councillor Usher registered his disappointment and rejectied the proposed amendment. As a result series of votes were undertaken.


Amendment to additional recommendation moved by Councillor Gilchrist


  • 6 votes for
  • 5 votes against


The amendment was therefore carried.


Substantive motion (i.e. additional recommendation as amended)


  • 10 votes for
  • 1 vote against


The substantive motion was therefore carried. Namely:


‘That Committee wishes to highlight the importance of social care and health services at this particular time. Committee express its support for a budget process that takes into account the statutory nature of these services and the difficulty in making budget reductions without more costly demand pressures occurring subsequently; and


This Committee is acutely aware of the extreme budgetary pressures on all services and as such proposes that the budget consultation is more widely advertised to capture a greater understanding from all stakeholders’ opinions and concerns.’




1)  the Council’s current financial position and process for the 2021/22 budget in this transition year be noted;


2)  committee wishes to highlight the importance of social care and health services at this particular time. Committee express its support for a budget process that takes into account the statutory nature of these services and the difficulty in making budget reductions without more costly demand pressures occurring subsequently; and


3)  this Committee is acutely aware of the extreme budgetary pressures on all services and as such proposes that the budget consultation is more widely advertised to capture a greater understanding from all stakeholders’ opinions and concerns.

Supporting documents: