Agenda item

Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee Budget Consultation Report


The report of the Director of Resources formed part of the Council’s formal budget setting process, as set out in the Constitution and in accordance with the legal requirements to set a balanced and sustainable budget for 2021/22. Policy and Resources Committee had to recommend a 2021/22 balanced Budget proposal to the Council for its meeting in March 2021. Iwas good practice for service committees to consider and feedback on Budget proposals.  


On Friday, 18th December 2020 the Policy and Resources Committee approved the ‘Draft Revenue Budget 2021/22 - Proposals for Consultation’ to begin public consultation on 21 December 21 to 22 January. The consultation was primarily conducted through the council’s specialist “Have Your Say” online portal but included many other methods including an online questionnaire; an ideas board for residents to post their ‘ideas’ and suggestions about the?council budgetpaper copies of the survey,?including an easy read version; ‘Virtual’ Public Events for residents, young people and council staff; Council staff Facebook pagedirectly?to the project team, Councillors, MPs and Senior Officersand specific email inboxResults included 2,715 completed questionnaires,?236?“ideas” added to the?Ideas Board?and 74 questions. There was a relatively even spread of responses from the four?Wirral constituencies. Full details of the responses were circulated to MembersMost comments were categorised predominantly into three themes: Children’s Services?including The Hive, arts and culture?(in particular noting retention of the Williamson Art Gallery) and?refuse collection. 


It was explained that this year the budget consultation process was truncated because of the shorter period of meetings caused by the pandemic, and the budget was under considerable pressure due to various effects linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. The final settlement figures from Government had not been received but the Committee were being asked their views on the options offered although Members had a duty to the whole of borough to set a balanced budget on 2 March. 


Budget proposals were:  

Options Review of the Neighbourhood Services Directorate 

Additional and increased parking charges: Whole scale car parking review 

Stopping School Crossing Patrols 

Reduction in grass cutting and maintenance of roadside verges and all Parks and Open Spaces 

Amenity space and grass verge maintenance cessation 

Closure of Public Conveniences 

3 weekly collection of general rubbish 

Contract Efficiency Savings with BIFFA 

Income generated from establishing targeted and discretionary environmental enforcement. 


Members expressed the opinion that they did not want to see many of the options but were forced by the temporary budget situation. They were heartened that the feedback from the consultation showed that the public endorsed the Committees initial recommendationsincluding a rejection of both cuts to school crossing patrols and closure of public toilets and that there were positive suggestions such as rewilding that should allow for longer term benefits which were endorsed by the public. They discussed the application and consequences of rewilding in certain areas and acknowledged again that there was potential to reduce expenditure and assist biodiversity by appropriate reductions in grass cutting and maintenance. It was recognised that features such as flower meadows could not be created without cost. It was agreed that there would need to be consultation between officers, members and local residents about the appropriate treatment of specific small open spacesIt was also suggested that income generating options made at the workshops could be explored in the future utilising experience of officers. 


RESOLVED: That the Committee endorses the feedback from the budget workshops and recommends that the comments made during this meeting be considered by Policy and Resources Committee as part of the budget consultation. 

Supporting documents: