Agenda item



This report sought agreement on developing business cases for identified sites for the Council to develop leisure vehicle provision across Wirral.  


At a Councillor workshop, four of the sites (Leasowe Lighthouse Car Park, Woodside Ferry Car Park, Price Street Car Park and Perch Rock Car Park) were identified as a possibility for development by Members. The final three sites (Wirral Country Park Car Park, Derby Pool and the Circus Field) failed to reach a consensus. Members acknowledged the commercial benefits of several sites, but also the possibility for residents’ concerns and complaints. It was proposed that officers brought these options back to Committee.


Members discussed the proposals and were informed by the Senior Commercial Manager that the business cases would take into account lessons from sites outside of the Wirral and that the sites could be aimed at different customers. Members also noted that there was a possibility of a restrictive covenant at the Circus Field site.  

The Chair took each recommendation separately.  


The Chair moved recommendation 1 which was to agree to authorise the Director of Neighbourhoods to continue working on developing proposals for the leisure vehicle provision at four potential sites, Leasowe Lighthouse Car Park; Woodside Ferry Car Park; Price Street Car Park; and Perch Rock Car Park. This was seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart and agreed by assent. 


Councillor Helen Cameron moved to amend recommendation 2 to instead include a delay in the proceeding of business cases until proof of concept from the first four sites is available. This was seconded by Cllr Jenny Johnson. The amendment was taken to a vote which was lost.  


Councillor Paul Stuart moved to agree recommendation 2 which was to agree to authorise the Director of Neighbourhoods to develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Wirral Country Park Car Park site. This was seconded by Cllr Joe Walsh. This motion was taken to a vote and carried.  


The Chair moved not to proceed with Recommendation 3 which was to agree to authorise the Director of Neighbourhoods to develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Derby Pool site. This was seconded by Councillor Helen Cameron. This motion was taken to a vote and lost.  


Councillor Paul Stuart moved to agree recommendation 3. This was seconded by Councillor Joe Walsh. This motion was taken to a vote and carried.  


The Chair moved not to proceed with recommendation 4 which was to agree to authorise the Director of Neighbourhoods to develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Circus Field site. This was seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart then agreed by assent.  


The Chair moved recommendation 5 which was to agree to authorise the Director of Neighbourhoods to bring back relevant recommendations on detailed proposals for leisure vehicle provision, following agreed business case developments, taking account of consultation, to a future Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart then Agreed by assent.  



1. the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised to continue working on developing proposals for the leisure vehicle provision at four potential sites, Leasowe Lighthouse Car Park; Woodside Ferry Car Park; Price Street Car Park; and Perch Rock Car Park.

2.  the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised to develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Wirral Country Park Car Park site.

3.  the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised to develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Derby Pool site.

4.  the Director of Neighbourhoods not develop a business case for leisure vehicle provision at the Circus Field site.

5. the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised to bring back relevant recommendations on detailed proposals for leisure vehicle provision, following agreed business case developments, taking account of consultation, to a future Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee.

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