Agenda item


Minutes of Committees

·  Policy and Resources Committee – 1 September, 2021 (Pages 107 - 110)

·  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee – 8 and 23 September, 2021 (Pages 111 – 123)

·  Children, Young People and Education Committee – 13 September, 2021 (to follow in supplement)

·  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee – 7 September, 2021 (Pages 125 - 143)

·  Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee – 2 September, 2021 (Pages 145 - 147)

·  Decision Review Committee – 29 July and 10 August, 2021

(to follow in supplement)

·  Health and Wellbeing Board – 31 March, 16 June and 20 July, 2021

(Pages 149 - 164)

·  Pensions Committee – 20 September, 2021 (Pages 165 - 168)

·  Planning Committee – 16 September, 2021 (Pages 169 - 171)

·  Regulatory and General Purposes Committee – 15 September, 2021 (Pages 173 - 175)


The Civic Mayor introduced the minutes of the various Committees which had met from 1 to 23 September, together with the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meetings from 31 March, 2021 and the Decision Review Committee meetings of July and August. He then asked for questions to Committee Chairs on any of the minutes being received.


Councillor Stuart Kelly asked a question of Councillor Helen Cameron, in respect of minute 27 of the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee, regarding the ongoing closure of the Williamson Gallery on Sundays. In response Councillor Cameron commented that the Williamson was still in need of further work regarding Covid health and safety measures and there had been staffing issues, she would ask officers to look again at re-opening on Sundays and try and get a response on this.


Councillor Lesley Rennie asked a question of Councillor Yvonne Nolan, in respect of minute 16 of the Health and Wellbeing Board, regarding the proposed Integrated Care Systems and the need for commissioning of services at place level. Councillor Nolan responded that she did agree that the Health and Wellbeing Board needed to maximise its involvement as this was the main route for retaining local democratic accountability and would hope the Board would play a very significant role as part of the local partnership with health partners and voluntary sector. It was the intention to meet the requirements of the Cheshire and Merseyside integrated care board but that it was considered that Wirral would receive full control of the local budget at place to enable Wirral’s provider collaborative to determine what services would be offered on Wirral.


Councillor Chris Cooke asked a question of Councillor Wendy Clements, in respect of minute 23 of the Children, Young People and Education Committee, regarding the data on youth offending. In response Councillor Clements commented that the data which had been used in the report to the Committee was drawn from national data of the Youth Justice Board and Ministry of Justice and was the most recent available. The next set of data would be published in December, 2021 giving data for December 2020. Future performance reports to the Committee would include the most up to date available figures.


Councillor Ivan Camphor asked a question of Councillor Yvonne Nolan, in respect of minute 16 of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the critical role the Board would play in driving local arrangements. Councillor Nolan responded that she did agree that the Board would play a critical role in driving local arrangements. With regard to the Motion to be debated later in the meeting that did refer to the Health and Social Care Act and the overarching national changes proposed.


With the consent of the Civic Mayor, Councillor Harry Gorman asked a question of the Councillor Julie McManus, Chair of the Housing Committee in respect of the Afghan resettlement programme and assistance provided to refugees. Councillor McManus responded and welcomed the acknowledgement of the importance of Wirral’s participation in the Afghan and other resettlement programmes which had seen 134 people welcomed to the Borough. Wirral had pledged to accept 12 individuals under the Government’s Afghan relocation and assistance policy and officers alongside voluntary and faith sector bodies were working to ensure a smooth resettlement for these families. She would be happy to consider a report on the matter to a future committee at the next Chair and Party Spokespersons meeting.


Councillor Simon Mountney asked a question of Councillor Yvonne Nolan, in respect of minute 4 of the Health and Wellbeing Board on the key leadership role the Board would be taking as part of an integrated care partnership. Councillor Nolan responded that she did agree with the minutes as mentioned in responses to previous questions.

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