Agenda item

APP/20/01138: Development - Land to the north of Pyramids Shopping centre (incorporating land north and south of Conway Street, and north-west of Europa Boulevard), Birkenhead - Hybrid Planning Application for the phased redevelopment of land within Birkenhead Town Centre


The Director of Regeneration and Place submitted the above application for consideration.


The Applicant addressed the Committee.


It was moved by the Chair and seconded by Councillor S Foulkes that the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee be minded to approve the application subject to:


(1)  Referral to Secretary of State as the application is a departure from the Unitary Development Plan.


(2)  The satisfactory completion of an agreement under S111 of the Local Government Act 1972 requiring the relevant parties to enter into an agreement under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that will secure the following planning obligations based on the following heads of terms:


·  Affordable housing: 10% affordable housing target subject to viability and/or market

·  testing;

·  Provision of 20% family housing subject to viability and/or market testing, with a

·  minimum of 10%;

·  Payment of £81,000 and provision of homeowners packs to mitigate for recreational

·  pressure on the coast;

·  Estate management plan to be provided to set out management of private areas within

·  the site;

·  Clause to secure public rights of access through the site;

·  Travel plan to secure sustainable travel. Requirement for travel plan co-ordinator,

·  targets and incentives plus monitoring fee;

·  Training and Employment Plan to ensure that local jobs are secured across the site,

·  plus monitoring fee;

·  Payment of £100,000 towards enhancement of open space and children’s play facilities

·  near the site;

·  Payment of £100,000 towards improving drainage and facilities for Conway playing

·  fields;

·  £275,000 to pay for a new classroom to meet need for primary school age children;

·  Clause to secure the provision of a new Market at a minimum size of 2,700sqm;

·  SUDS maintenance fees for Europa Boulevard;

·  Monitoring fees for the agreement.


(3)  The conditions set out within the report; and


(4)  That delegated authority to be given to the Director of Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Chair and party spokesperons of the Sub-Committee to make minor non substantive amendments to the S106 Heads of Terms and planning conditions, including additional conditions, as necessary;


The motion was put and carried (6:0). 


Resolved (6:0) – That the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee be minded to approve the application subject to:


(2)  Referral to Secretary of State as the application is a departure from the Unitary Development Plan.


(2)  The satisfactory completion of an agreement under S111 of the Local Government Act 1972 requiring the relevant parties to enter into an agreement under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that will secure the following planning obligations based on the following heads of terms:


·  Affordable housing: 10% affordable housing target subject to viability and/or market

·  testing;

·  Provision of 20% family housing subject to viability and/or market testing, with a

·  minimum of 10%;

·  Payment of £81,000 and provision of homeowners packs to mitigate for recreational

·  pressure on the coast;

·  Estate management plan to be provided to set out management of private areas within

·  the site;

·  Clause to secure public rights of access through the site;

·  Travel plan to secure sustainable travel. Requirement for travel plan co-ordinator,

·  targets and incentives plus monitoring fee;

·  Training and Employment Plan to ensure that local jobs are secured across the site,

·  plus monitoring fee;

·  Payment of £100,000 towards enhancement of open space and children’s play facilities

·  near the site;

·  Payment of £100,000 towards improving drainage and facilities for Conway playing fields;

·  £275,000 to pay for a new classroom to meet need for primary school age children;

·  Clause to secure the provision of a new Market at a minimum size of 2,700sqm;

·  SUDS maintenance fees for Europa Boulevard;

·  Monitoring fees for the agreement.


(3)  The conditions set out within the report; and


(4)  That delegated authority to be given to the Director of Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Chair and party spokesperons of the Sub-Committee to make minor non substantive amendments to the S106 Heads of Terms and planning conditions, including additional conditions, as necessary.

Supporting documents: