Agenda item

The Development of a Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for Wirral - Update Report


A report by the Director of Neighbourhood Services, presented by Andrew McCartan, AD – Leisure, Libraries and Engagement provided the committee with an update on the development of the future Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for Wirral Leisure Services (formerly Leisure Strategy).


The report advised that In November 2020, the Council’s Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee (TCCL) approved the new outline Sport and Physical Activity Strategy, which gave approval for officers to commence engagement with residents, communities, and other stakeholders to design and deliver a fit-for-purpose and sustainable service and included the strategy within the Committee’s ongoing work programme.


The report informed that the key focus of the strategy was to set out the priorities for sport and leisure facilities, services and activities and sought to redress the balance between being a provider of facilities and tackling inequality through preventative, outreach, and early intervention work. Members heard how there is not statutory requirement to have a Sport and Physical Activity Strategy, but it is seen as good practice to outline the council’s plan for leisure services for the period 2020-2025 based on the evidence base and emerging Covid-19 landscape.


The report set out the Government’s position regarding sport and detailed Sport England’s ten year strategy introduced in January 2021. Members were advised that the strategy aimed to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.


The report detailed the progress in Wirral and advised that following Committee approval, the Director of Neighbourhoods agreed that Sport England could commission Knight, Kavanagh & Page (KKP) to undertake a diagnostic assessment of the Sport England Strategic Outcomes Planning Guidance for Wirral Council. The report informed that Sport England produced its Strategic Outcomes Planning Guidance to assist local authorities to take a strategic approach to maximise the contribution that sport and physical activity makes within a given local area, and to ensure that any local investment is as effective as possible and sustainable in the long term. The report identified the following findings:


(1) The Council is in the process of developing/refining a coherent set of outcomes in relation to sport & physical activity’s contribution to health and well-being and the reduction of health inequalities underpinned by good levels of cross directorate buy-in. This emerging position appears to be gathering momentum.


(2) The Council’s insight (in certain areas of the Council) is well developed, particularly in respect of its built and outdoor facilities evidence base. The development of the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy (2020) had added further momentum to this process. Its community-level research into the needs and wants of residents, and specifically what interventions may influence a change in behaviour will require further attention (as identified in the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy), both in respect of its facility offer and wider outreach plans.


(3) Confirmation that the Council is moving away from its former silo-based approach to a much more collaborative cross-departmental approach to delivering services.


(4) There was recognition that Senior Officers and Council Elected Members are determined to reduce health inequalities and this ambition is widely supported. It was however identified as imperative the Council continues to communicate well and achieves community buy-in prior to the development of a detailed delivery plan.


(5) The Council needs to act decisively to put in place a long-term transformational plan for the Borough accompanied by a clear approach in respect of resourcing the associated work and facilitating its progress through its own decision-making process. The SOPG and Built Facilities Strategy evidence base validates an investment strategy for indoor facilities to address the fundamental strategic challenge of an ageing, inefficient indoor sport and physical activity stock.


The report identified four strategic priorities and explained how a public consultation had begun to understand the motivations, needs and wants of local residents in regard to being physically active. Members heard how results of the public consultation would be presented to members for consideration at a future committee.


Members welcomed the report and requested that additional information be provided in relation to inactivity figures and caner rehabilitation programmes available.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


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