Agenda item

Partner Updates

·  Streetscene 

·  Primary Care Trust 

·  NHS Foundation Trust 

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety 

·  Fire Service 

·  Older Peoples parliament 


Streetscene:  Chris Jones, Area Streetscene Manager, reported that six months ago, Colas Limited became the Council’s new Highway Maintenance Partner.  The expectation was that the company would introduce the new technologies that would produce efficiency savings and reduce costs for the Council.  He would be interested in receiving feedback on the standard of work delivered by the Colas.

Councillor Blakely commented that from first-hand observation in Grampian Way, and in other areas, Colas’ standard of work is abysmal.  He added that he would prefer the use of the word ‘contractor’ instead of ‘partner’.

Members of the public reported instances where inconsiderate parking of Colas’ vehicles, including parking on pavements and grassed areas, were causing obstructions and delays to other road users,  and inconvenience and potential  danger, to pedestrians.  The problems were exacerbated by the unhelpful attitude of Colas’ personnel undertaking the road works. 

Chris Jones responded to a query from Mr Seddon about whether Colas’ vehicles and roadsigns give contact details which people can use to complain.

In response to a question by Councillor Blakeley, Chris Jones explained that Colas can sub-contract work to other companies, with the approval of the Director of Technical Services. 

Chris Jones thanked everyone for the helpful feedback.  He would appreciate more detailed information on specific incidents and the areas affected to enable him to raise the issues with Technical Services management.

Communal Bins:  A member of the public reported that the super bins at her block of flats have only been emptied three times since May.  The member of the public was asked to give the address to the Area Co-ordinator, when the matter would be followed up.

Wirral NHS.  Cathy Gritzner, reported on three key issues:

1.  On 10 September 2009, the Planning Committee approved a new Health Centre on the St. Catherine’s Hospital site.  Funding has been secured and work will begin very soon.

2.  Seasonal Flu and Swine Flu.  People who are at risk of infection are encouraged to take up the offer of vaccination. A swine flu vaccine will be available in the Autumn. 

3.  A new Walk-in Centre is due to open in Eastham Rake.  An out-of hours GP service will be based at the centre later in the year.

The report on seasonal flu and swine flu generated considerable discussion amongst members of the Area Forum and members of the public.

Cathy Gritzner replied to questions raised about the risk groups who would receive priority for immunisation against swine flu, the symptoms, and process for diagnosis and treatment of the illness, the additional resources available in GP’s surgeries to store the vaccine, and the rate of remuneration GPs would receive to administer the vaccine.

A member of the public commented that he considered the rate of £5.25 per jab, to be excessive and unwarranted.

Cathy Gritzner stated that it would not be appropriate for her to give advice on medical and technical questions about swine flu.  She had noted the questions and would seek specialist advice before responding.

Councillor Blakeley queried why the NHS does not fund the cost of prescriptions for children in Claire House, as it would if the child was in an NHS hospital or receiving treatment at home.

Cathy Gritzer replied that the NHS gives a substantial grant to Claire House, which was intended to cover these costs.  She would investigate further and respond further to Councillor Blakeley, along with a response to the query raised about Moreton Clinic.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust.  Pat Higgins drew attention to the comprehensive report on pages 24/26 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report.

She mentioned major capital investment in services for Women and Children at Arrowe Park Hospital; the installation of a second MRI scanner to help diagnose complex illness and injury; the steps taken to remove mixed sex accommodation for patients; and an assessment unit, manned by GPs and advance nurse practitioners, which will enable patients to be seen, assessed and where appropriate allowed to return home, without admittance to hospital.  Incidents of C. difficile have reduced by 30%, and MRSA by 50%.

Older People’s Parliament  Copies of a report on Wirral Older Persons’ Parliament Report to Area Forums, June/October 2009, were available at the meeting.

Hazel, the Public Governor for Leisure, Moreton and Saughall Massie, thanked everyone for their support in electing her two years ago.  She reported verbally on the hospital’s plans to deal with emergency outbreaks of swine flu.

She would be pleased to raise any issues brought to her attention.  Anyone wishing to contact her should telephone Arrowe Park Hospital and ask for the Governors’ office. She urged anyone over the age of 50 to consider becoming an Associate member.  Application forms were available at the meeting. 

Merseyside Police:  Inspector Kolokotroni drew attention to the latest Neighbourhood newsletter.  He reported on the Police’s response to issues brought to attention during the summer months.  There has been a reduction in all crime and anti-social behaviour, and a slight increase in burglaries in dwellings and break-in to vehicles.

In reply to a query from Jane McLear on diversionary activities for children on the cusp of criminal activity, Inspector Kolokotroni advised that a trip to Alton Towers has been organised for 28 children as a reward for good behaviour.

The joint Open Day at Wallasey Police Station on 4 October had been extremely successful, with lots of involvement and interaction with the children as well as the public. 

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service:  Sarah Patterson drew attention to the comprehensive report in the Area Co-ordinator’s report on the Service.  She highlighted the statistics for deliberate fires which show a year on year decline from 2006 to 2009.  The Winter Warm Campaign continues to operate with electric blanket testing and free replacement blankets and free home fire safety checks.  This year, in conjunction with its sponsors, chip pans can be exchanged for vouchers for deep fat fryers, and free energy efficient light bulbs are available.

Anyone with concerns about the build up of bonfire materials or the illegal selling of fireworks is encouraged to contact the service on Freephone 0800 731 5958.

Members of the public reported on the prompt responses received from Upton Fire Station to queries about faulty smoke alarms and acknowledged the excellent services provided by the Service in general.