Agenda item

Public Question Time


Members of the public raised the following issues relating to the environs and perimeters of buildings in the community complex in Twickenham Drive,  Leasowe

·  Poor levels of lighting

·  Poor vehicle access and damage to vehicles caused by unsuitable road humps

·  Personal safety issues, and the need for CCTV cameras to be installed.

The Area Streetscene Manager, Chris Jones, explained that Wirral Council is not responsible for street lighting, road surfaces and traffic calming on unadopted roads in the Borough.  Nevertheless, he would raise the issue with the relevant Management Committees in this area and enquire what their intentions are.  He anticipated that the response would be that the organisations involved do not have the resources available to improve the facilities.

Chris Jones explained that traffic calming measures are carried out to specification and traffic humps should not damage people’s cars if cars are driven at the correct speed.  There could be a public liability issue if there is a defect in the specification and as a result damage is being caused to vehicles that are being driven slowly.

A member of the public advised that a petition is being organised that will be presented to the Council.

A member of the public pointed out that the Recreation Centre is a Council building, and asked why the Council is not responsible for the roads leading to the Centre, as well as for the Centre itself.

Councillor Lewis replied that he had written to the Head of the Department responsible for the Recreation Centre and in reply the Head of Department had stated that he did not believe there was a problem with the speed bumps.

Councillor Lewis would appreciate an opportunity to discuss the specification with Chris Jones.  Meanwhile, he offered to present the petition to the Council on behalf of local residents when he attends a meeting on Monday, 12 October. 

Chris Jones reaffirmed his intention to bring the issues raised to the attention of the relevant Management Committees in writing.

A member of the public referred to an article in this week’s Wirral News about Merseyside and Wirral Ambulance Service.  In the recent past, two vehicles have responded to incidents, a paramedic and ambulance personnel.  It appears that the arrangement has now changed.

Cathy Gritzner explained that a pilot approach had operated in Wirral whereby a paramedic and an ambulance responded to assess whether it would be possible to triage people and treat them at home, or whether they needed to attend hospital or somewhere else.  The pilot had been successful and a pathway had been determined to take a patient to hospital or to access another service, without the need for back up by an ambulance.

The member of the public raised further questions concerning the arrangements for people who collapse in the street, whether resources are being used effectively, and whether a sufficient number of personnel are available to run the service.

Cathy Gritzner replied that she would raise the issues with the appropriate managers in NHS Wirral.  She asked for contact details to enable her to forward the response direct to the member of the public.

A member of the public reported that the bus shelter near the railway station in Pasture Road is being used from early morning as a drinking shelter by alcoholics, many of whom can be intimidating.  The practice had started with a small group, but it is growing, and the fear is that it will not be long before drug-taking is involved as well.

Inspector Kolokotroni gave an undertaking to personally visit the area to investigate the problem.

A member of the public referred to the poor surface of the hard core in the cages area, and the potential for children who use the area to be injured.

Chris Jones explained that the Council has a new Highways Maintenance Partner, Colas Limited.  The company specialises in surfacing treatments on roads and footways.  He was confident that the company would give a quotation for the work; although it is a question of which budget the costs would come from.  The Council can give advice and help with expertise, but it does not have money to spend on such projects.

The Chair stated that clearly it is the Council’s responsibility to ensure that all unsafe play areas are made secure and to take steps to prevent children from accessing those areas.

Councillor Lewis reported on a discussion with the Council officer responsible for parks and open spaces following complaints about the poor state of other children’s play areas.  It appears that a plan is in place to refurbish 22 play areas but the play area in B  Close was not included on the list.  The tenants’ association is pushing for money or a bid for some money for play equipment and improvements at B Close.

Councillor Blakely added that the Council has closed many of the play areas because the equipment is unsafe.  Local Councillors had been told initially that some limited equipment would be provided within two weeks, and had then been told that nothing would happen before 2111 when the next funding cycle starts.

He continued that when planning permission is given, development providers are obliged to include play areas in the development area, but then the play areas are not maintained and they eventually reach the stage where they cannot be used any more.

A member of the public referred to the lack of youth clubs and facilities in the area and asked where young people can go to in their leisure time.  Children as young as 12/13 are using the adventure play ground to drink alcohol and get drunk because there is nothing for them to do.

The Chair replied that young people from this area will be welcome at the Wirral Youth Parliament on Tuesday.

A young person in the audience commented that she had raised an issue about the Youth Centre last year, but nothing has happened and no explanation has been given.  She asked, 'What was the point of going again this year?'

Jane McLear agreed that youth and leisure is a huge problem.  She outlined the activities of the ‘Women Helping Youth’ group in Leasowe.