Agenda item

Local Presentations


Personalised Budgets [Adult Social Services]: 


At the last meeting, Councillor McLaughlin had been asked to arrange a presentation on the introduction of Personalised Budgets.


The Chair welcomed Paula Neate from the Council’s Adult Services Department.


Personalised Budgets is a Government-driven initiative that applies to every local authority in the country.  For the past two years, 13 test pilot schemes have been operating across the country.  Wirral started a pilot in January that will end in June.


There are two components:  Individual Budgets and Personal Budgets.  Wirral is focussing on Personal Budgets.


Personalised Budgets is a different way of delivering care on the Wirral.  Many people have heard about a Care Package, which was a very prescriptive way of providing a package of care for people in need.


The Personal Budgets process is a very simple process.  It involves people filling in a self-assessment form to identify the services they need to meet their individual needs. A support plan is then drawn up to identify how those needs are to be met.  This is followed by the implementation of the support plan, and then a review to ensure that people are safe and that the funds are being spent appropriately. 


In response to questions, Paula explained that at present, there is a delay before people receive the money.  The hope is that the process will speed up in the future.  There will be no panel.  The budget will be determined as soon as the assessment is complete, and people will be given their money.


People are being encouraged to find innovative ways of spending the money.  The perception is that older people do not want to manage the money on their own.  Many people have wide family networks, they don’t want to go to traditional day centres, but to do something different.  People can still buy traditional services if they choose to, or they can choose to use the money to provide the support they need in a different way that suits them.  The maximum amount is £450 a weekly.  The money is paid by direct debit and can be monthly or yearly, depending how the needs are met.  If the amount is insufficient to meet the needs of a particular person, the matter is referred to a panel for a decision.  Anyone who is not sure how to use the funds is fully supported throughout the process.  Qualified social workers are employed and all staff are fully CRB checked. 


7 Waves Radio: 

The Chair welcomed John Martin, Community Development Officer for 7 Waves Community Radio. 

7 Waves Community Radio is a state of the art media centre housed in a new building opened in July 2008 in Twickenham Drive, Leasowe, on the site of the old community centre.

7 Waves is a registered charity funded by European funding and is a partnership between Arena Housing, Wirral Council and the Leasowe Youth and Community Association.  Any profits are invested in the community.  The station has been awarded a 5-year licence by Ofcom and broadcasts live 24 hours a day/7 days a week on 92.1.FM.  The target audience is the whole Wirral population.  Daytime programming is focused on the 25-55 age groups, and offers a mix of essential local information, local news and music.  Specialist evening shows give added value to the offer.

7 Waves non-music features include global, international and local news, traffic and travel, weather, faith interviews, local sports events and interviews, community events, topical debate, health concerns and awareness, business interviews, job and training vacancies, leisure news, school news and events.

The new media-training centre has two radio training suites, two broadcasting suites, a news suite and a live room for use by local bands and artistes.  7 Waves radio runs 12-week radio production courses using industry standard equipment, that enables students to learn all aspects of the radio industry, including editing, writing radio commercials, voice-overs, interviewing, making jingles and presentation skills.  Students are given the opportunity to broadcast on air at the end of the course.




i.  Paula Neate be thanked for the informative presentation on Personalised Budgets.


ii.  John Martin be thanked for the interesting presentation on 7 Waves Radio.