Agenda item

Public Question Time


The following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Ken Harrison – residents in Seacombe are not able to get to Mill Lane Hospital by bus.

A. The Area Co-ordinator agreed to raise this with Arriva and report back to forum members on this.

Dave Hanlon added that the 433 goes to Mill Lane, but Ken confirmed that this did not stop near the hospital. The Chair confirmed that Arriva would be asked for information on the available routes.


  1. Carole Thomas – What is happening re: youth provision for Wallasey, is this to be provided at the Fire Station?

A. Chair confirmed that the Area Co-ordinator will arrange for a presentation on this at the next forum meeting.


  1. Dave Hanlon – A report to the Sustainable Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 21 September 2009 included the information on expenditure programmes for parks, including £60k for Central Park – what is this to going to be spent on?

A. The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that this is not yet known and the Chair agreed to contact Parks and Gardens to find out more on this and report back.


  1. Carole Thomas asked if this information could be shared with all of the Community representatives and the Area Co-ordinator agreed to arrange this.


  1. Dave Hanlon – raised issue of survey / consultation arrangements covered by National Indicator Nos. NI 4 and NI 7; covering involvement of residents and local authority requirements on participation with the community and voluntary sector.

A. Chair requested that Dave e-mail this issue to Mark Camborne who will respond directly.


Carole Thomas added that NI 7 had been sent by the Voluntary and Community Sector to the Third Sector for a response.


  1. Member of the Public – could we have an update on the libraries, as I use Earlston library on a weekly basis?

A. Chair – my understanding is that the Council going to bring libraries back up to standard. Mark Camborne added that all libraries are to remain open and resources (staffing and equipment) are to be brought back to status prior to the closures.


  1. Member of the public – there were some positive proposals with in the Strategic Asset Review, such as the hub for Liscard. Have these proposals been abandoned and are we to be consulted on these?

A. Chair – The £20m that the Council was going to borrow is no longer being sought. There is no longer a need to put parts of libraries into the hubs as the libraries are to stay open. Mark Camborne added that the Strategic Asset Review is still underway, and the libraries were part of phase one, and the hubs are no longer being considered. Mark agreed to request a report / detailed presentation on this for the Liscard / Seacombe area for the next forum meeting.


Minute Decision – resolved that:


(i)  The Area Co-ordinator to request information on bus routes from Seacombe to Mill Lane Hospital

(ii)  The Area Co-ordinator to arrange for a presentation, on youth provision to be given at the next forum meeting.

(iii)  The Chair to report back on proposed expenditure at Central Park and the Area Co-ordinator to share this information with the Community Representatives.

(iv)  Mark Camborne to respond directly to Dave Hale on issue re: National Indicators NI 4 and NI 7

(v)  Mark Camborne to arrange for report / detailed presentation on the Strategic Asset Review in relation to the Liscard / Seacombe area for the next forum meeting