Agenda item

Asset Strategy


The Assistant Director Special Projects and Interim Assistant Director for Assets introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place which sought approval of the draft Wirral Council Asset Strategy 2022-2027. The Asset Strategy was one of five strategies that shape the Council’s new operating model and delivery of the Improvement Plan.


The Assistant Director Special Projects and Interim Assistant Director for Assets outlined how the strategy brought about a new way of managing council assets under the corporate landlord model as support by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy to help deliver the maximum benefits of the Council’s priorities. The proposal was the broaden out asset transfers beyond community asset transfers to allow a greater degree of flexibility in dealing with assets, as well as to report annually to Policy and Resources Committee on the delivery of the performance measures in the strategy.


Members welcomed the strategy and sought further information on how it contributed to the Council’s priorities, in particular the environmental benefits as well as the impact on health outcomes.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Jean Robinson, that –


(1)  the Asset Strategy 2022-27 attached as Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

(2)  further to the decision of the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee on 25 October 2022 in relation to Bromborough Library expressions of interest in community asset transfer in relation to the Bromborough Civic Centre including the former library be invited before considering any other alternative options for the asset. Such expressions of interest to be submitted by 20th December 2022, and the Director of Regeneration and Place be requested to report back to the relevant service committee in January 2023 on any expressions of interest received.

(3)  the Chief Executive be requested to ensure that sufficient officer resources remain in place to assist and support any group seeking to submit a bid and to incorporate asset transfer into business as usual moving forward.


The following amendment was then moved by Councillor Jo Bird, seconded by Councillor Pat Cleary –


At paragraph 2.

  1. Delete: before considering any other alternative options for the asset
  2. Insert: The asset not be considered for any other alternative options, until after the Community Asset Transfer process has been fully exhausted.


The Committee discussed the amendment and sought clarification on the Community Asset Transfer process and at what point the process would be considered as fully exhausted. Following clarification from the Assistant Director Special Projects and Interim Assistant Director for Assets the amendment was put and lost (3:12).


The original motion was then put, and it was –


Resolved (9:6) – That


(1)  the Asset Strategy 2022-27 attached as Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

(2)  further to the decision of the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee on 25 October 2022 in relation to Bromborough Library expressions of interest in community asset transfer in relation to the Bromborough Civic Centre including the former library be invited before considering any other alternative options for the asset. Such expressions of interest to be submitted by 20th December 2022, and the Director of Regeneration and Place be requested to report back to the relevant service committee in January 2023 on any expressions of interest received.

(3)  the Chief Executive be requested to ensure that sufficient officer resources remain in place to assist and support any group seeking to submit a bid and to incorporate asset transfer into business as usual moving forward.

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