Agenda item

Public Question Time


The following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Jim Cadwallader – are there any plans to try and reduce the carbon footprint for police / emergency / council vehicles? The Council could look at putting resources into place for this, e.g. setting up a green energy petrol station, where fuel is produced from waste, for such vehicles


  1. The Chair asked if there were any initiatives on this from public agencies. David Ball informed the Forum that carbon reduction was important and that some work was going on nationally on the introduction of electric vehicles, but that not enough facilities were available at present. He agreed to see if he could get any more information on this.


  1. Inspector Blease added that Merseyside had trialled a dual fuel vehicle (in Heswall) but that the results were not available on this yet. All police vehicles went to diesel, but the expected savings were not made, and prove to be very costly.


  1. Peter Exley added that bio-fuel has to be refined and filters and requires additives. It is sought after and can be purchased, but demand is leading to the production of crops for fuel rather than food. Electric vehicles are not suitable for police cars.


  1. Richie Clarke informed the Forum that he had been on various conferences about this. A lot of effort was being made both nationally and locally, to reduce energy consumption and the Carbon Trust are putting resources into reducing the carbon footprint. Bio-diesel is not suitable for emergency vehicles as they are too big but initiatives, such as replacing ancillary vehicles more often, are in place.


  1. Peter Exley – Rock Ferry shore was mentioned at the previous Forum. £10m of funding is required to put into place plans to sort out the wall between Rock Ferry and Seacombe, is this dependent on private or council funding?


  1. David Ball – the funding will need to come from external sources and will form part of a larger scheme, including:
    1. Yacht club - improving facilities, access to water, opening up the pier, the esplanade
    2. Shorefields area – New Ferry
    3. Bromborough Landfill Site – part of a major scheme through Newlands Phase 2 programme
    4. International Business Park down to Eastham


  1. The next step will be to get external funding and the whole project will take several years to complete.


  1. Peter Exley – Which external sources are being looked at to fund the above project?
  2. David Ball – North West Development Agency, National Lottery, English Heritage. The local MPs (Mr Chapman and Mr Field) are in support of this, along with the local ward councillors.


  1. Richie Clarke – Are there any plans for the disused jetty, as this is a safety issue?


  1. David Ball – the Admiral PH is to be demolished to make way for a new yacht club and boat storage area adjacent to the slipway. It is proposed that the structure of the jetty will be refurbished for use as a public view point. The plans are at a very early stage and will be discussed in more detail when the amount of funding available is known. Consultation will then take place with relevant agencies and planning permission will be sought.


  1. Councillor McLaughlin added that the councillors are supportive of this scheme.


  1. Garry Cummings – will the Yacht club keep their current premises?


  1. David Ball – Yes, this is a Grade II Listed Building, and this may be used as offices, but the detail still has to be agreed.


  1. David added that detailed discussions need to take place re: access through the residential area and the possibility of an access off the by-pass. The Police will be invited to comment on this.


  1. Peter Exley expressed his disappointment that the Admiral PH was being demolished.


  1. David Ball - confirmed that the plans include the demolition of the PH but that the quality of the new build will be impressive.


  1. Jim Crocker – the Yacht club premises is older than Birkenhead and could be used as a visitors centre.


  1. David Ball – confirmed that the history had been looked at in detail, and that the aim was to blend the historic into the new development. He was not sure about the feasibility of a visitors centre, but this would be considered. The Heritage Trail tries to pick up such sights.


  1. Councillor Bill Davies – the Yacht club building is listed and there are always three rooms in use, what state is it in? On a health and safety note the number of people living in the area may need to be considered due to its proximity to the Shell refinery.


  1. David Ball – It is not in a good state of repair but it does have a lot of history. The plan is to keep and improve the building but the future use has not yet emerged. The project will be discussed with the Health and Safety Executive and other Statutory Authorities when more detailed plans are drawn up.


  1. The Chair confirmed that the Forum would be kept updated on this project.


  1. Jim Cadwallader - dealers bringing drugs into the country should be treated as terrorists, as money used to buy arms that may be used against English forces abroad.


  1. Inspector Blease – the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is fit for purpose when dealing with drug dealers. Anti-terrorist laws wouldn’t add any more power to the police when dealing with such matters.


  1. Collette McDonagh – Could the Birkenhead CSO’s patrol the Harden Avenue / Grange Road West area on Saturday afternoons and weekend evenings?  There are groups of youths walking alongside elderly people and young girls walking in the area and knocking them into the road.


Inspector Blease – agreed to look into this. Ian Lowrie also agreed to look into this


Collette also raised the issue of disabled access to Merseyrail stations at Rock Ferry, Hamilton square and Green Lane. David Ball said he would refer these issues to Merseytravel for a response and report back to the next meeting of the Forum.


Minute Decision:


Resolved that:


(i)  David Ball to find out if there was any further information on schemes to reduce carbon emissions

(ii)  Inspector Blease and Ian Lowrie to look into problem of youths knocking pedestrians into the road within the Harden Avenue / Grange Road West area