Agenda item

Committee Debate


The Chair thanked all of the speakers for their contribution to the debate on the reorganisation proposals and explore opportunities to achieve the best educational and life opportunities for children in the Birkenhead area.  She also acknowledged the hard work and dedication shown by the headteachers, governors, and staff in all three schools.


Councillor Paul Hayes said that there was overwhelming evidence against the closure of Ridgeway High School and this was not just about  the issues raised in the Director’s presentation as justification for the reorganisation proposals.


It was moved by Councillor Hayes and seconded by Councillor Povall:-


“Committee resolves that as no credible evidence has been presented this evening to support the closure of Ridgeway High School, an outstanding school; committee therefore refers this matter back to Cabinet to examine further options, excluding the closure of Ridgeway High School.”


The motion was put to the vote and carried (7:6) by virtue of the Chair’s casting vote.


Councillor Taylor commented that only one option for the 2 academies had been generated so far and he asked for information as to what other options had been considered.  Councillor Doyle endorsed these remarks and suggested that further work was also needed to assess the demand for a boys only secondary school in Birkenhead.


It was moved by Councillor Doyle and seconded by Councillor Taylor that ;-


“Scrutiny Committee thanks witnesses for their evidence and submissions.


Scrutiny considers that it has no ‘in principle’ objection to the concept of Academy Schools status.


Scrutiny further notes the investment opportunity presently available in the region of £30m for establishing two new academies in Birkenhead.


Scrutiny notes the problem of surplus places in schools and affirms its support for the policy of review to ensure that as much money as possible is spent on educating children rather than maintaining empty spaces.


Scrutiny further affirms its view that educational attainment remains a key priority for the Council and schools not meeting target attainment should be subject to review.


Scrutiny notes the recent rise in attainment results for Ridgeway and Park High Schools.


Scrutiny believes that consultation on reorganisation of schools which may result in the closure or change of status of a school should be open and transparent, and consultees furnished with sufficient robust information and options to make an informed response for consideration.


Scrutiny Committee therefore requests Cabinet to carry out the following additional work prior to proceeding to consultation:


1.  A further review of the Expressions of Interest.  This review should:-


    (i)  Establish parental demand for a boys-only academy

   (ii)  Re-evaluate the proposed attainment targets for both academies in light of the significant improvement   

  made at the current schools

2.  Ensure any consultation includes options for change rather than one ‘take it or leave it’ package.  For example:-


    (i)  Closure of Ridgeway, Park High and Rock Ferry, and their replacement with the two academies as set out

  in the Expressions of Interest of the two sets of sponsors

   (ii)  Retention of Ridgeway as a Foundation Trust School, with a new academy replacing Park High School and     Rock Ferry High School on the current Park High School site

  (iii)  Closure of one of the Birkenhead schools as a response to falling rolls.


The motion was put to the vote but not carried (5:5)


Resolved - Committee resolves that as no credible evidence has been presented this evening to support the closure of Ridgeway High School, an outstanding school; committee therefore refers this matter back to Cabinet to examine further options, excluding the closure of Ridgeway High School.”