Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

  • Streetscene
  • NHS Wirral
  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Merseyside Police/Community Safety
  • NHS Wirral
  • Fire Service
  • Older Peoples Parliament



Streetscene - Mark Trayner said that everything is in the Minutes that has been done over the past few months.


NHS Wirral – Russell Favager said all is written on Page 29 of the Minutes.

Tony Garrett asked are you saying anything about car parks.  The answer was no.  Mr. Garrett reported that at the Car Park User/Transport User Group meeting 16 extra spaces have been allocated for the blue badge users, making 86 on the site.  Also a 20 minute drop off space for each of the other entrances.  The new park and ride vehicle has been ordered (16 seats and 1 wheelchair).  It has not arrived (should have been September 2009).  It has been calculated that there are 1200 taken per week from Sainsburys to the Hospital.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Jonathan Cunningham reported that there is a fair amount of work going on at Arrowe Park creating ensuite rooms for women and children, and a new MRI scanner.  They have also secured some money from the Department of Health to ensure single sex wards and improvements to wards so that there are more single bedrooms.

The question was asked “if you are putting more buildings up, and you need more car parking spaces, should you now be planning for the future when you take the hospital out of Arrowe Park?

Jonathan Cunningham replied that it is re-furbishment of the existing buildings, and we are trying to permit the use of buses.

Lady asked about the big car park built on the large area with the trees surrounding it.  Many people now come up on to the pavement and park in the trees, and the hospital seems to be oblivious.

Gentleman said that the land actually belongs to the people, and there is creeping destruction of Arrowe Park.

Jonathan Cunningham stated that they do have an arrangement where staff are bussed in from Clatterbridge to Arrowe Park as well as the Sainsbury bus.

Gentleman said that the land belongs to the rate payers’ land, and they have constantly taken more land for use as car parks.


Merseyside Police/Community Safety. Sergeant Graham Parker reported that crime still remains low in the Heswall area, reported crime down by 21%.  We regret that we have to report six more burglaries of houses.  With regard to property being burgled, it is a good idea to have your valuable items marked, and we will do it for you if you contact the Police Station.

Anti-social behaviour is showing an 8% increase.  Most of this has been identified to a teenage disco, which started in Heswall six weeks ago, but it is generating some trouble.  Children are coming from Liverpool.  Staff from Heswall have been involved with this.


Community Safety – Ian Lowrie said their report is on Page 31.  They work right across Wirral, and do not just look after Council buildings, but work with the Police and feed information to them.  I look after the serious crime.  Part of our role is working with the Crime Reduction Council, working with Steve Maddox and the Chief of Police, also the hospital PCTs and other agencies, such as the Fire Service to try and reduce crime disorder.  As part of this process, I want to invite you all to take part and let us have your views on 10th February 2010 – 10a.m. to 1p.m. at West Kirby Concourse.  There will be some food available. 

I normally sit at the Birkenhead and Tranmere Forum, and theirs will be in November this year, and we will be hearing what the public perceive to be the issues for Wirral there also.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.  The Officer had to leave the meeting early for an emergency call.  He returned, but then had to leave again, and could not give his report.


Older Peoples’ Parliament.  Sandy Cameron had sent his apologies, but had given his report to Tony Garrett, as follows:

Membership has nearly reached 800, but we need more members then our work carries more weight.  Share with us any problems related to growing older.  There are four meetings a year at the Wallasey Town Hall, and everybody is invited.  Housing Group, Education Group, Crime and keeping safe still remains the major focus, as does transport and parking, health and social works.


We also need members with knowledge of work in this area, and we are producing a response to the Government’s Green Paper.  There is another group talking about grandparents and looking after their grandchildren. Please if you are 50 or more, do consider joining us, and we shall hopefully benefit you, or others, in the future.  We work with Age Concern, which is in Market Street.