Agenda item

Public Question Time


In the back of the Hope Centre booklet there is a section to stop young people gathering.  In relation to this Centre, we do have a problem here.  Could this be applied around this building?


Sergeant Graham Parker said that this is an unusual area – incidents are not getting directly reported.  It is a simple thing to apply for and get.  We are not getting enough genuine reported incidents, and if we do receive them, we can apply for this power, and we will use it, but we would like to be sure that the incidents are being correctly reported as detailed in Section 30.


Cllr. Rowlands said in the You Decide cctv will be placed here, which will monitored, money has been provided for that, and this may help as over the next six weeks there will be a photo-record.

Mark Traynor said that he thinks one of the problems is how you report to the Police.  If you dial 999, the report will not be transferred, if you speak to a policeman it does not always get back to the Police.


Sergeant Graham Parker said that we may need a Section 30 here, but there is also the Community Patrol number, which is 0151 666 5265 which can be used, and which should record any problems which occur.


Lady asked when you say gathering evidence, how do you measure it?

Sergeant Parker said that from the point of view of the Police, they have to be very careful.  Here, there is a designated play area for children.  It is very

difficult to send away, and we do not want to do this, but there is a balance, and I am mindful if we send them out on to the streets, they might cause more problems.


Lady replied that it is possibly a collection of boys and girls, and I wonder at what point you would have to intercede.


Ian Lowrie, Community Safety said that every month they have a meeting, chaired by Chief Inspector Gittens, and the information that comes through the 606 2020 number is fed to our Community Patrol Officers.  The whole of the Wirral is looked at for ‘hot spots’, and if it is necessary a Section 30 will be issued.  We have to be very careful because it is a very heavy item and we try to encourage young people into a better form of behaviour rather than a Section 30.  But, if it is given, we have to have the Police resources.  The anti-social behaviour team is always available to assist.


Gentleman said that ‘our desire is not to have a Section 30, but not to be terrorised by a group of young people, boys and girls.  It seems they do anything they like in school and on the streets, and how can we, as a community, change that?

Sergeant Parker said that they were not aware that the community is being terrorised, but Inspector Cunningham is not away, and until we are told of the problems, it is difficult to do anything, but I shall be speaking to her as soon as possible.


Mark Trayner said that some of these things had been reported, and some have fallen through the net.


Sergeant Parker said if it is particularly violent, dial 999, and this is a priority area at the moment, and someone will be out within sixty minutes.

If the Police are not available, the Community Patrol can be contacted on

666 265* (need to check this number).


Tony Garrett said that he lives down by the shore.  At nighttime we get 17 year old youngsters drinking, screaming wheels in the car park.  During the summer months, some people come down onto the shore, and at one stage there were six cars using the road.  I went out and told them that I was going to ring the Police and, in fairness, they did move away.  Litter is also left.

I have told Inspector Cunningham also that at Heswall Railway Station there are bottles and cans etc. thrown on the track, and residents in that area get very fed up about it.  There are three places you need to look at.


Sergeant Parker said he was not aware of the problems at the railway station at all, but in the other two areas, they are very often there and they are well policed.


Tony Garrett said do not say you cannot go because the Railway Police are there, because they are not.  There has been no visit for a long time.

Gentleman said that he would hate to be a young person these days.  Where does the Youth Service do their Out Reach work?

David Armstrong, Children and Young People’s Department.  There has been no reduced service.  The main service area is West Kirby, and there are four main centres around Wirral.


Mark Trayner said we are not prepared to work with the tiny number of children who trash buildings and spoil what we are trying to do here.

Gentleman asked how does someone say “how can I get the Youth Team out here to help out?”


David Armstrong said that he was very impressed with what has been done here, and a Borough thanks to the Police and the schools working together, we have the best record for schools’ safety.


Lady reported that Joanne Harland, Community Sports Development Officer, has been working with the children to target other partnerships, the Police etc., where we can get money and put them on projects.  It has only been going about three months, and we are working with the Police.  I shall give details how we can help the community.


Cllr. Rowlands said money has been put aside for extra youth workers – part

of the You Decide money.


Mark Johnston said they are giving away some substantial sums, and next year they will be starting new projects.


Heather Jones wished to report flooding in the area of Kings Drive/Cornelius Drive.  We have been advised by the Environmental Agency that the stream belongs to either Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council or the Barratt Group.  It has not been ditched since the farmers left it.  There is an open stretch between two culverts, and we are being flooded almost weekly.  When we ring the Council, nothing is done.  The Council’s Emergency Team came out, and were horrified by what they saw, and said they should have been out ages ago, but nothing was done, and they said that the owner should be responsible.


Cllr. Wilkins said that he had written a letter about the ditch.


Mark Trayner said he would take that back and investigate.


Mr. Arden said you have made Grange Road a Bye Way, and this has meant you have put more traffic through it, cutting through from Quarry Road East to Pensby Road.  There are so many potholes it is dangerous, and they have been reported for over two months.


Mark Trayner said that it is open at both ends, and it is a public highway.


Gentleman said that if it is a highway, the Council must maintain it.  Also  the pavements from Telegraph Road, through to Pensby Road and the Harvest Mouse are a disgrace.


Cllr. Rowlands said that this has been highlighted, and they are looking at all the areas within Wirral.


Lady reported that the pavements at Oldwood Road and Kentmere Road, near the childrens’ school, are dreadful.  She is damaging the wheels of her car.  They are doing some work on Fishers Lane, but she hopes they will do something to make it safer to cross the road, and we cannot actually see what is coming.


Lady said there is a 90 minute parking restriction in the lay-bye at Rosemead Avenue, and she wondered if there could also be one further along in front of the shops near the traffic lights.


Cllr. Wilkins said that he had noted people park their cars, and often leave them all day, which is not fair to the shopkeepers or local residents.


Gentleman reported that, in fact, someone is coming out on Friday to have a meeting with the shopkeepers about this.