Agenda item

Matters Arising from Minutes of last meeting, including Area Co-ordinators Report


·  Matters Arising from June 09

·  You Decide Results for Greasby Frankby Irby Upton and Woodchurch



Area Co-ordinator went through previous minutes pointing out the matters arising on page 14 and highlighted the fact that the results of the ‘You Decide’ surveys were now all submitted and awaiting perusal.  He explained again what the ‘You Decide’ scheme was and invited anyone with any questions to contact him personally and he would be happy to help.  The results of how the ‘You Decide’ money is spent will be brought to the next are forum in February. 


2.1) Q – There is no return address on these questionnaires regarding the You Decide Scheme.


Andy Brannan – The questionnaires have a return free post address for Mott McDonald on the front of them. They are an independent research company who are collating the questionnaires and results on behalf of the Community Engagement Team.


2.2) Mark Stevenson (Woodchurch Neighbourhood Board Member) asked if he could receive a hard copy of the minutes before each Forum as he did not receive them via e-mail and now feels unprepared for this forum.


Andy Brannan (Area Co-ordinator) – you are on my distribution list and I will see you get hard copy in the future.


2.3) Q – Why are the papers not on the internet from the last meeting?


Andy Brannan – The minutes are usually placed on the internet by the Community Engagement Team. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding in communication within our team, this was not done this time.


Chair – I would like to know what the problem was so it can be prevented in the future.


2.4) Q – It is not good that we only see the minutes the night of the forum; we should have access one month after the forum has been held.


Andy Brannan- give me your details at the end and I will make sure you get a copy.


Chair – it used to be that whoever signed in on the night can get a copy.


Andy Brannan – This can be arranged.


Chair – I would like to know what the process for the minutes is at the moment.


Agreed: that all documents should be available on the website in good time and sent out electronically or in hard copy as necessary/requested


2.5) Q – Why do we have to wait until after the meeting to bring up our points?

Andy Brannan- People can raise issues with me anytime in between the forums. They don’t have to wait until the meeting itself. My contact details are always on the front of the coordinators report and I am more than happy to take people’s issues if they contact me.


2.6) Page 7 of previous minutes – member of the public asked is this to be carried out? (pruning of overhanging trees)


Jim Thompson – Was checked for the health of the trees.


Dave Green – 30,000 trees are under contract with Amenity Tree Care to check trees over 3 years for safety or to prevent a hazard.  We have different priorities, priority 1 being dangerous and priority 3 being hanging over people’s gardens etc.  We are trying to work through it.


Tony Garnett (Secretary for Wirral Transport) – trees were cut back along bus routes that were hitting buses.


2.7) John Smith (Greasby Community Association) – with reference to page 9, giving power back to the people, we are a joint Management Committee established since 1984.  We have a meeting with Jim Wilkie to discuss repairs and take the transfer forward.  In 2011 the Council will close Greasby Community Centre so we need support if you want the Community Centre to be under our control.


2.8) Ron Green – page 8 of previous minutes – would like to point out that we have discovered it is not the PCTs responsibility to supply lighting to help with parking for the new dentists on the car park at Coronation Park.  WBC has drawn up a plan and can supply lighting at a reduced cost although GOAL’s application to the Lottery for funding was turned down therefore GOAL needs to raise the money to pay for the lighting.


Page 12 – there was a questionnaire re activities people would like in Greasby sent out in the last Greasby Messenger and the results have now been printed in the latest addition. 


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