Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update


Inspector Brian Griffiths Merseyside Police

Went over his newsletter as to what is going on in the area which is available to all residents and should have been posted. If it is not posted you can contact them or it can be accessed on line via Merseyside police.  Brian Griffiths requested that members of the public be more vigilant as burglary rates have gone up slightly in the area mainly from sheds.  He then proceeded to explain how the Police are working in partnership with the Fire service to put in place new bonfire strategies (pg 21 of previous minutes). 


Brian Griffiths also explained how his team have spent the last 2 Fridays taking alcohol of youths after doing ‘spot checks’ which has been extremely successful, confiscating over 400 bottles/cans.  He would like to encourage people to call the Police if they do see groups of youths ‘hanging around’.  This may decrease the number of thefts from off licences as well although it is not just children it is adults with alcohol problems as well and we are working closely with the ASB team.


6.1) Q – It was claimed in the newspaper that a local MP said that 300 children were involved with the ASB team on the Woodchurch alone?

Brian Griffiths- We cover Prenton, Upton and Greasby as well and my target is 3 per day in relation to ASB and I rarely go over that – sometimes it can go up to 5 over a busy weekend.


Member of the public stated that he was just upset as he lives on the Woodchurch and didn’t like the fact that it was being labelled with a bad name.


Brian Griffiths – I agree – there is not over 300 youths involved in ASB on the Woodchurch alone.


6.2) Maureen Cain – The One Stop Shop (Convenience Store) on the Woodchurch is selling to under age children.


Public – Upton is a hot spot lately


Brian Griffiths- I will definitely look into it and report back to the forum


6.3) Q. Ron Green – the whole of Wirral is to become an alcohol free zone which would include Coronation Park.  Where do we stand on that?


Brian Griffiths – I will have to get back to you on that.


Jim Thompson – there are a number of places on the Wirral.  I believe it is down to discretion.  They are mainly put in places were there is an identified problem.


Brian Griffiths – OK – I would like to know where exactly on the Woodchurch is alcohol free.


6.4) Ron Green – People regularly gather in Coronation Park, especially youths to drink. If anyone sees issues like this please call the Police if they ever see this happening.  It doesn’t matter how many times people ring, just keep ringing each time you see it.


Brian Griffiths – We are aware of this and it is being looked in to.


Pat Higgins Wirral Hopsital NHS Trust

Brief note contained in the pack that everyone received.  MRI scanner will be ready at the end of the month.  The Ronald McDonald house has now been opened for parents with sick children.  It is free to parents and is excellent


If anybody would like to be a member of the NHS Trust they can get a pack at the end of the forum.


6.5) Tony Garrett – Have you got the new Park and Ride bus yet?


Pat Higgins- It hasn’t arrived yet.


Tony Garrett – I would just like to add that I am aware that you now have 86 new parking spaces for blue badge holders which is amazing.


Ron Green Greasby Community Association

Informed forum of the fact that he has now secured funding for 2 new benches at the top of Wood Lane.


John Smith Greasby Community Association

Explained to forum how a small group of volunteers have planted bulbs around the Community Centre and the Library and asked that if anybody spots anything wrong with the trees to let him know.  Will update everybody on the Christmas lights in the Greasby Messenger.


Sarah Patterson Merseyside Fire and Rescue

Read over her extensive report enclosed in pack.  Confirmed the new Bonfire strategy put in place in partnership with Merseyside Police and ASB team which actually started today.


6.6) Q – How are you reducing your Carbon Footprint?

Sarah Patterson – we perform house checks, reduce our diesel, reduce our heating at the fire stations and we get checked constantly.


6.7) Q – We have asked a few times to use the fire station garden, community room and have been denied.  Could you tell me why?

Sarah Patterson – I don’t understand why you were denied – you should have been allowed to use it.


Maureen Cain Woodchurch

The Woodchurch is going to Southport on Thursday to get an award for ‘Woodchurch in Bloom’ which is a great achievement.  Young people have been awarded the ‘Peoples Champions Award’ – one girl teaches 30 children to dance each week in her own time.


Jean Robinson Overchurch Residents Association

Thanked Inspector Brian Griffiths on behalf of residents for the section 30 as they feel the area has improved.


6.8) Mark Stevenson Woodchurch Board Member

Stated that he asked in the last forum for somebody from Equality and Diversity to be here and they have not attended and have had no explanation as to why therefore could not give an update.  Stressed that he felt like he was letting his residents down due to the fact that he did not have time to read the previous minutes as he did not receive them until the day of the forum. 


Chair apologised and proceeded to ask if he had any particular points.


Mark Stevenson replied that his points were the same points he bought up in the last forum but no one has attended from Equality and Diversity to answer his questions.


Glen Coleman NHS Wirral

Read an extensive report enclosed in the papers.  Informed the forum that it is now time to go and get their seasonal flu vaccine – this does not cover the H1N1 (swine flu) therefore if you get an invite for either of the flu jabs then please go for them. 


6.9) Tony Garrett – are Dentists in each ward doing NHS work?

Glen Coleman - I am not an expert on Dentists I am afraid – I can get details for next time.